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Posts posted by Demiurge

  1. It occurs to me that it might be possible to use a modified version of this system to make objects/vehicles which are being carried by helicopters behave in a more realistic way (i'e swinging around when the helo changes vector).

    For example if the helo slows down rapidly and stops, the cargo being carried underneath continues to swing forward etc. Possible?

  2. When you do take the plunge online I strongly recommend you find an organised group and play with them on an admined server. The public servers can have their moments, but generally can just devolve into huge, rambling messes of frustration, tking and glitchiness... or just dull inactivity.

    Find a group who run an organised approach to missions however, and that budding love you have for ArmA will bloom tenfold...

  3. I'm all for the FOV, Zoom and UI colour/size tweaks here but in the post you linked you say:

    "and it also changes several combat feeling aspects such as accuracy, dispersion,"

    Which isn't so good as it means you won't be able to take advantage of the zoom etc tweaks as a client-side only mod because your accuracy, dispersion etc will mismatch the server. (unless installed there too ofc)

    Maybe have these two different 'parts' of the addon as separate, independent pbos?

    Before it comes up, I hardly see zoom and FOV tweaks as cheats, even if they are client side only. It's about personal preference in terms of usability.
