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Everything posted by Headwind

  1. They didn't work! I get an error about needing a oap something addon when I launch, and then I get to the editor and all there is is a bunch of Utes.
  2. Decoy, what did you do to get teh UTES entries to become the other maps? I have the same prob. I go to editor and there are so many utes and one chernarus. Thanks in advance.
  3. Interesting story: I tried Arma 2 on an older lcd monitor that runs at 1280 by 1024. (I really play on an hd HP 1080P monitor, and wanted to compare visual quality.) When I switched back over to the primary 1080P monitor, via the screen properties (right click on desktop) everything swapped back over, but the res and 3d rez were both 1280 by 1024...Full screen. Meaning no weird black bars on the sides. It still looked incredible, and the frame rates were unbelievable. I fell in love with the game all over again. What I want to know is how do I make it full screen (somewhat stretched but still 16:9) all the time when I start up, instead of small square in the middle. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. No no. Thanks for replying. I ahve no problems with changing the resolution to a lower one, but when I do, it shrinks the screen and leaves black bars on the sides. When I lower it to 1280X1024 for example, it is a square with bars on both sides. What I want is to have 1280X1024 with out the bars (taking up the full screen) and to change the aspect ratio to circles don't look like eggs at that res.
  5. Would greatly appreciate some help, all you awesome techno wizards :D
  6. Hey there! I bought Arma Gold so I could access the islands. I haven't found a definitive guide on how to port them into Arma 2, rather just people saying that they were able too. I would love a small tut on what to do. Also, how do I get the awesome dance animation in Arma 2? Many thanks! Out.
  7. Purchased mine from gogamer.com on Sunday, chose overnight. Got it today. On the site, it indicates that it is the import (UK) version, oddly, I just opened it, and it's the US release. :P Go figure, huh?
  8. I grow further concerned by this thread. On tuesday, I plan to run to Best Buy with last week's earnings clutched in my fat, sweaty hands. The question of the hour is: Will I find Arma 2 there? Or should I simply get it from steam now? (I really do want retail. One of my quirks.)
  9. Headwind

    Few tips needed for a beginner

    Heh. Do you mean, "intents and purposes"? :P Common mistake, matey. Check this out. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_the_saying_%27all_intents_and_purposes%27_or_%27all_intense_purposes%27 Also, TC, the motion blurring is caused by post processing, as the poster above me mentioned, and you can also eliminate some "fuzz" on screen by changing your 3D res to match your screen res.