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About Mac495

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  1. Edit- Ya thats them, never realized thats what they were.. Doh, My bad, ok can I edit those out?
  2. yes the 3 horz ones in middle of monocol Edit- where are screen shots saved to?
  3. Hey Mando, i'm having one little issue thats about to drive me nuts.. On the apache hud, the 3 horizon lines are there but I also have 3 others that are all distorted and floating . I have tried reinstalling and everything I can think of. If nothing else where are those lines located in the code,I could try deleting.. Thanks and love the mod
  4. Problems with version 3 and 4 Page up and down wont work in a second level of mfd menu (selecting targets etc.) Arrow keys are no longer controlling camera
  5. Mac495

    Online is simply "Crap"

    Ya well when you can see enemys behind walls/hills/houses by holding spacebar, you don't really need a wall hack,do you?
  6. Ya ok ,tell me (and the op) how to disable it...... Maybe we say parts of it suck because it does,think of that? Now dont get me wrong,I'm digging this game but ... The devs should have their heads checked for a couple things such as.. The spacebar scanning bullshit in MP-that is just plain stupid. The squaddy dies and save/load dance in single player campaign. Reminds me of Call of duty or Battlefield for xbox
  7. Why? Are you serious? It's like battlefield for xbox with the red icons above the enemy. Not even going to try any more pvp multiplayer till this crap is optional. There might be alot intel available but to be able to tell me there's a goat on the hill at 2500 m is crap. Another "What were they thinking!"