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Everything posted by cream-t

  1. I'm also after the ground to ground insertion script. Using the kylania extraction script and now trying to reverse it. (Also editing extraction script to kick out group with no luck yet.) edit sorted. {_x action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];} foreach units grp;
  2. cream-t

    New Arty - Can you request smoke?

    yer used SOM module in my first mission. Guess i'll stick with that. (Also shame gunner/static unit has to be in same group.)
  3. hi, title says it all. I think not without scripting loadout. Not a editing/scripting question yet. ta
  4. This maybe is a noob question. Only been playing OA for a week. Mainly editor a few MP games. I find it difficult to get scopes/ironsights on OA vehicles (e.g .50 cal on a humvee) as r-button tap usually just zooms cross hair. Really fiddly no sure why and how you lifers get around it. But I can not scope at all on statics and vehicle guns in BAF (mission editor). Can you? (loving new arty system (but needs a little more spread), just got community one working on my mission, doh!)
  5. cream-t

    BAF bug report

  6. ok fixed. needed both. join group them set false = pilot shot. join civ to pilot at init. (make civ bluefor)= civ shot.
  7. hi, I need the opposite. My released (unarmed and not grouped) captives are not shot at. My bluefor pilot was surrounded by (combat mode) taliban and he lived. I have captive_pilot setCaptive false; captive_civilian setCaptive false; when I release them. I do this to join my group. BUT before setCaptive false. // Join preselected units (POWS) to callers group, silently. {[_x] joinSilent _ldr} forEach _grp; Is that my problem? Or I did read a few weeks a post but can not find. It was a trick that you hide a bluefor unit on map and group it to captives.
  8. Thanks just worked out the functions module and it worked a treat. Maybe add a note for noobs.
  9. Hi kylania, currently trying to get plannedExtraction.sqf working in OA. No luck ie nothing spawns. Have you tried on OA? changed _chopperType = "UH60M_EP1"; //waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; commented out as it does not get past this. then commented thing_blinky not in OA // _blinky = "Sign_sphere10cm_EP1" createVehicle _start; // _flightPath = [_blinky, _unit] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; Changed _flightpath to 0 _ch = [[_start select 0, _start select 1, 50], 0, _chopperType, side _unit] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; still working away. edit: just checked armaholic index Sign_sphere10cm_EP1 seems to be in OA. So adding flightpath bits back in.
  10. cream-t

    Which SSD for Arma2/OA?

    hi, C300 is a good/if not best choice. You can get for £109 now! Very popular on hardware forum I frequent (OCUK). I wish I had bought it instead of Kingston V (200/110 seq but bad IOPS) for £80 a few weeks ago. But OA performs great at 1920x1200, high/v. high with i5 720 and Ati 5850. Question: ARMA OA is on SSD. But My docs i.e. profile/mission files. is on HD. I have really got into mission editing recently. Would it improve ARMA if I moved them to SSD? (keeping my docs on HD) If so how do you move that folder? Reg setting?
  11. thx Kylania, looks like I am moving house. Hope this helps others as not seen a answer like this.
  12. hello Kylania, takistan map...2oclock from Anar, building in middle of forest map 06,07 a1 doMove ((position a1 nearestObject 18561) buildingPos 4) does not work. unless I misunderstood i.e. have to use waypoint and domove together? I used above domove instruction only in a trigger action. Ai still moves to same place as other commands.... pos confirmed as I have crates there using setpos.
  13. Hi one week into editing. Just OA installed. Read MrMurrys excellent doc. Trial, error and searched forum for three hours. I go in loop of same links. I already have a few captives/ammo crates inside (setpos) so know the workings. Want to order/trigger AI team member into a house position from outside. moveto, domove.movecommand and AI just run and stands outside. Read its a AI weakness. So tried suggested waypoint. Got a test AI unit, set MOVE waypoint, set position in WP menu ( can also setpos unit inside and it has 6 positions, so assume is enterable! Read those threads). Again unit runs then stands in same outside spots.:cryy: They will not even go to outside pos. Do I have a bugged enterable house? (my mission: I run in, rescue captives (works), demo man runs in sets charge, runs out, boom) ta
  14. cream-t

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    Hi, Just fitted a Kingston V 64gb (£80!). 200mbs/110mbs. OA DVD is in post ETA tomorrow. Have ARMA2 DVD. I have WIN7 on SSD C: (35% free, *4GB page file) I have a 200Gb Spinpoint HDD for F: Gaming wise I will be 100% on OA (plus Brit addon), note not ARMA2. Q1. What size is ARMA2 and OA on disk? Q2. If I do not install ARMA2 will I have problems playing MODS and Servers that mix? Q3. What are the problems with OA on C: and ARMA2 on F:? I believe you can do this. Will OA performance be effected. Q4. Where's the postman! *I've read good and bad things in equal ratio. Only clear point is it does use up space. (I have read through many posts here)
  15. hi, when I launch a game (bezerk server) I am named "SYSTEM". How do I set my profile? The pull down is luancher setup is "system" or blanks. Thanks Gary
  16. I to would like Afghanistan scenario. Currently feels like I am fighting in Switzerland. I was gutted to see COD6 is the same made up Russian/Terrorist scenario. COD4 middle east maps were poor i.e. small and just town fighting. Couple of good maps in Project Reality. Can't remeber name of one but it was small with mud ditches for cover. Great fun as Brit. Afghanistan green zone has plenty of vegetation and wadis for cover. Roll on a good mod.
  17. Mission ended for no reason in end. But i ran to second landing spot up hill forward abit from crossroads (it was not marked in map) . I did pick up a reenforcement ealier. There was still opfor according to tasks.
  18. Hi i am trying now, 9am no end to mission. All men live so did not get extra "reenforcements" task. Maybe thats the bug.