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Everything posted by splinta_as

  1. splinta_as

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks for staying in lockstep with Arma Rob. Nobody can appreciate more the hard work involved in adapting to 3 bohemia platforms than a squad mate. I have used ASR on my own dedicated. All the info in this thread is priceless.
  2. splinta_as

    Combat Adviser

    Been Playing Since Ghost recon, OFP and Arma from its conception. I will get straight to the point. I love the work BI has done and so many good people play on the public servers. I randomly join and as of late have found the admins little more than children with huge power problems ruining play for very respectable people. I suppose I could write a treatise on this but I figure it wont matter. Maybe someone (not dropping any names) will look into the administrators of our public servers. Maybe allocate some extensive time into p arousing our servers and naming these idiots who continually compromise good solid game play. I understand that all mission games are autonomous and self regulating through the vote system and BI could spend thousands of hours in the monitoring or regulation of its servers. I just think we descent players deserve some kind of consideration because of our loyalty to BI and the Arma legacy. Please consider this a call for some kind of consideration, even minimal would suffice. sp
  3. Competition ain't what it use to be. Identical scenarios is a training method and sf skill sets are required to win.
  4. splinta_as

    PMC Mission 3: Confirmation help

    Its the barricade, same problem as old depot some tanks etc. I think. Maybe it gets fixed in a beta, maybe it don't.
  5. splinta_as

    OA Out of memory error

    Nothing new except for the fact that I played multiplayer with 4 other players for 9 hours before I got the afore mentioned "out of memory" one player got it three times and another player twice. Haven't had the issue since ArmA.
  6. splinta_as

    Having a hard time with the MP

    MadsHilde, I to felt as you do at one time. I went from one server to another. I was very lucky to find the people I did. These guys have been around a decade or more. They were very generous with there time and I cant tell you how much they've taught me about tactics and game play in general. I had to hang around and ask questions at appropriate times, and follow directions. Finding a place you are comfortable and liked is the trick. When in a MP mission you need to communicate with the leadership. Reading the forums for whatever clan or server you want to play on is a good rule of thumb or better yet a must. With that being said I invite you to check out Alpha Squad http://alphasquad.ro/forums/index.php#10 Register, go to main arma forum. Your questions will be answered very quickly. TeamSpeak is required to play. A simple answer is to hang at the spawn point and wait for others to respawn, then communicate with them. I hope this helps. :bounce3: