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Posts posted by SidVicious

  1. Hello Mr. Halik,

    Thank you for moving this project forward, I'd love to try your version along with the new features and improvements you introduced but http://arma.misaki.pl/ appears to be down with a 504 Gateway Time-out are there any trusted mirrors the files can be downloaded from ?

    Disregard, server is now responding and files are available for download.

  2. Running Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit, ArmA 2 & OA bought on and installed by Steam.


    Steam update went without a hitch, OA will launch once the error message is okayed or dismissed.

    I wasn't surprised to see that all settings reverted back to default as it was implied by the error.

    Creating a new profile in game spawns a new folder in "*VolumeLetter*:\Users\*UserName*\Documents\" named after the new profile but no .ArmAOAProfile file or mission, Saved or UserSaved subfolders get created when exiting the game.

    I'm guessing that the workaround is to rebuild the now empty product.bin.profilePathDefault file so it points to the proper profiles and settings, which would be a triviality if it was a plain text file :mad:

    *** Not quite an edit since I wasn't done writing that post anyway ***

    I worked around this issue by overwriting the patched AO product.bin.profilePathDefault with the one from vanilla Arma2, from my understanding, it ends up pointing to the wrong path but doesn't seem to mind the older config files.

  3. indeed, for me it wasnt a issue with my 2GB of Vram untill the 9.10s and is still there in the 9.12s... I can get rid of it on VH, never see it, but i run Quadfire and need to use Default for the AFR frame buffers...( no strobe ever, less dark to light hdr stuff) Changing your VidRam settings should fix it, but a 1GB+ card is the way...

    You do realize that 2GB Vram for a Quadfire setup effectively is 512MB of local memory per GPU ?

    No point parroting the obvious "fixes" that were repeated over and over in this thread, you're not helping.

    Care to explain why a 1GB+ card is the way ? See the 1st post in this thread, use your mouse to point to one of the colored and underlined numbers, click the button on the left of your mouse, this is what we're dealing with, blindly throwing money at a memory management problem is not a solution.

  4. If you look closely at the CPU use when the Arma2.exe working threads are unbound by affinity, you'll see that a good amount of the processing time above 50% is being taken by context switches, once you bind Arma2.exe to a pair of cores sitting on the same physical die, the context switches are minimal and much less costly.

  5. That's nothing to worry about, it's just the way Arma 2 was coded.

    Q6600 user here, OC'ed to 3.4GHz, she just doesn't care about more voltage.

    Haven't seen Arma 2 use more than two cores at a time, the two threads will get moved around the four cores a lot, making it look like the four cores are being used (the context switches adds to the apparent load), once you force the Arma2 threads to run on two specific cores on the same silicon die using affinity, it is clear that there are only two working threads, the load will max out at 50% (two out of four cores maxed out).

    Some task just can't be multithreaded beyond a certain point before it becomes inefficient to do so due to the serial nature of some tasks (you can't slice a loaf of bread before it is cooked and can't mix the water and flour inside the oven no matter how many bakers and ovens you have).

  6. Forget about those, a 300W HP PSU will just flame out a few seconds after turning that POS computer on if you put an halfway decent video card in there.

    That is, unless you settle for a lackluster video card that won't even give you a playable framerate anyway, don't think about running Arma2 using the integrated GPU, unless you are thrilled by the idea of watching a slideshow.

    Consider building your own, it is cheaper, you end up with higher quality parts and get to learn valuable skills, there is a ton of knowledge about how to do it on the web if you can figure your way around a search engine.

  7. SuperF4 (direct download to the installer) will terminate hung fullscreen apps with extreme prejudice when you hit Ctrl-Alt-F4, just be careful, if you're too heavy handed and double tap, it will kill the desktop process as well, if that happens, Ctrl-Alt-Del > File > New Task (Run...) > explorer and the desktop will be restored.

    Unfortunately, this only is an alternative to resetting your comp when that happens, doesn't cure the underlying issues, whatever they are.
