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Everything posted by jtmedina

  1. Hi, I just have a question about the mission editor. I would like to know if when I add a group of units I could use the "probability of presence" and "placement radius" to the entire group not to individual units.I have no idea if I can use it to affect the entire group as an entity.
  2. I installed the 1.05 but I can't play it because just after the splash screen in the main menu it sends me a Crash to desktop. I had exactly the same problem with all beta patches before this 1.05 came out. I'll post the arma2.rpt file. Sorry if it is a bit long.
  3. jtmedina

    CTD with the 1.05 patch

    I think I found the solution by chance. I disconnected the xbox 360 gamepad and no CTD...finger crossed :). But there is something that is giving CTD when the driver of the 360 gamepad is activated. I guess it has something to do with the headset feature of the gamepad.
  4. jtmedina

    CTD with the 1.05 patch

    In my case I guess there is something wrong with the sounds. I sent a email to the game support http://www.arma2.com/support/support-2_en.html with no answer, apparently they are very busy. Until they fix it I am not able to play Arma 2 which it is very frustrating. I have had the same problem with all beta patches after the 1.04 and they haven't fixed it.
  5. jtmedina

    CTD with the 1.05 patch

    no one has any clue what happens?
  6. jtmedina

    Beta 1.04.60000 - BEST EVER!

    It just happens when I see the first screen to access the single, multiplayer, options...I can't even access to any option. I uploaded my .rpt file. http://uploading.com/files/6fc54a11/arma2.7z/
  7. jtmedina

    Beta 1.04.60000 - BEST EVER!

    Nop still CTD. Its strange because with the 1.04 everything worked perfect but every beta patch I have tried I always find the same CTD problem. I think I'll have to wait until the official 1.05 is out.
  8. jtmedina

    Beta 1.04.60000 - BEST EVER!

    Game still crashes when trying the latest _60819. I have reinstalled the game and install directx again but still same problem here. I have no idea what's happening. No nocd or something installed so it can't be the problem. With 1.04 game works with no CTD
  9. jtmedina

    Beta 1.04.60000 - BEST EVER!

    I found it thanks ---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ---------- I have uploaded the file maybe someone has sometime to take a look to it. http://rapidshare.com/files/314429819/arma2RPT.7z.html
  10. jtmedina

    Beta 1.04.60000 - BEST EVER!

    Where is that file? I have made a search but I didn't find it.
  11. jtmedina

    Beta 1.04.60000 - BEST EVER!

    I have tried the 60588 and 60393 patches and I get CTD on both patches. I have reinstall directx 9 and I have used xp compatibility and still the problem persists. Any idea of why this is happening. I am using win7 32
  12. Hi, I am looking for a addon to replace the grass in arma2. I have tried the proper mods for the bushes and trees which they have helped alot with the performance but I the grass even at low settings is killing the performance of the game. Trees, buildings and grass definitely need to be improved for a better performance.
  13. Very good mod I get a boost of 20 extra frames. The only problem I found was the floating trees. Looking forward to see that fixed.
  14. While playing I was checking the RAM memory used by ARMA 2 and I have noticed that it only uses +-500MB almost all the time. If I have available 2GB is there any command to force ARMA 2 to use the full 2GB you have?.
  15. I would like to hear a comment from the developer about this. By the way, the RAMDisk is only a quick fix for the big problem. I think the way to go should be being able to use all the ram to load part of the game so a guy with 8GB of ram could almost have the entire game loaded.
  16. Hi everyone, I just bought a new desktop. - Quad Core 2 2.55 4MB L2 - 4GB RAM DDR 2 (3 used win7 32bits limitation) - Nvidia GT220 1GB. Then the ARMA 2 configuration. Textures HIGH Video Memory DEFAULT Anisotropic NORMAL Antialiasing DISABLED Terrain detail LOW - VERY LOW Objects detail NORMAL Shadow detail NORMAL Post process effect DISABLE Screen Resolution 1280x1024 With that config I get in cities 30-35 and in the forest everything gets really slow 15-20. In the open field and flying I can get 40-60 frames. The major problem I find is the forest and cities they have to fix it as soon as possible because that kills the gameplay.