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About wallie

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  1. Hi, im new to modelling in ARMA and was wondering if theres a guide on the best way to make new weapons or modifications to existing weapons basically theres quite a few additions that id like to make to weapons in arma but i dot know where to start. simplest example would be id like to add drum magazines for the base AK47 because it does accept them in RL. any help would be awesome.
  2. wallie

    cargo doors

    i dont know whether the game engine will support vehicles as carried objects but things like the c-130 and v22 osprey are designed to carry light vehicles and armour including infantry and at present there is no sensible solution to allow the cargo doors to open (there is a user script but it doesnt open from the inside) and allow you to transport vehicles or infantry across the map. its a very long way from one corner to the other and im sure th c-130 was put in to do other things other than crashing into the hillside and flying around un-armed. annoyingly the HIND-d does this. and you can open the doors from the inside and out. why was this not transposed to the c-130j and v22-osprey ???
  3. dude you can shout all you like but that wont click the left mouse button