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Everything posted by Asaob

  1. This update didnt help me at all. Still 18-20 fps in Wasteland 1.06 and gpu usage only 37-40%.
  2. Asaob

    Streetlamp upgrade - alpha I

    This addon can not work for me nothing changed. Is there anything exept this mod what is needed for to work? Like CBA or any other?
  3. I also really hope they will make the diveing better. (the diveing already is great, but need some improvement) First of all, i missing the most the under water see sound. Like the air and bugs noise on the land. If you check this video for reference (yeah i know i link this a couple of times, but its great for to demonstrate how should be look and sound an underwater scene) If you listen carefuly you can hear the see sound behind the bubble sound.(when i was diveing i always hear these muffled crackling sound) Now the arma3 only have the breathing sound with bubbles no enviroment sound at all. The underwater waves sound should be syncronized with the wave's length what you can change already in the editor.The other thing is those white small see dusts(particles). In arma 3 these can only seenable when you are in 3rd persion view. If you are in first person you cant see them, or barely and they didnt move good. My last request is the light and shadow rays those effect's are must have for under water scenes. 1 more bonus request is the light caustics. I think it look great in deeper regions, but in near the coast should be much more intense and the water color is little bit greenier with closer water fogs. Damn last request... we need more underwater wildlife. like small fishes in swarms. (they can be 2d because they so small, with that shader what already the fishes have) more aquatic plants variations, some wrecks (maybe 1 big) and one easter egg a big white shark who is gonna be a rare encounter ingame. Thats it, thanks for reading and sorry about the lot requests
  4. I made 3 category what i want to see, and not to see in the final game. And what are already fall in love with it. Wish: -shadow rays, especily under water, and places where are smoke and dust -more aquatic life (crabs, more small fish, some big ones also,water plants ) for ester egg 1 big white shark on the whole island. More wrecks to explore. Also like to see some under water particles like boubles and small water dirt. For reference . For my taste the under water scenes need a little more greenish color and a little bit closer water fog (i mean closer view distance)-detailed bullet holes, not just black dots like these. (arma 2 have the same) need to mention im fine with the ground holes, those look great. -Realstic physics. Finaly the first arma series have phisycs in it. I think it need a little tweaking and it will be great. Need tweaks on almost every aspects ragdoll, cars, boats helos etc. -Winds (nature, rotor, thruster) affects more the surrondings like grass and trees. In editor i turn the wind up to the top, but the grass and the trees not move that much. (nice feature anyway) -More mocap gesture. Like in arma 2 (but not that poorly) when going in silent mode than need abilty to make hand gestures. Also would be great some wave and interaction gestures for multiplay. -optimization. I have a mid-high pc rig and the multipayer runs poorly. -some place holder furniture in houses -more lamps in villages. -some hair styles for character customization. (i mean with alpha texture lock of hair) Hate: -grided gate doors can hardly open. (you must run around circles when finaly can open a gate) arma 2 had same issue and it is very annoying. (a lot of the doors now working fine in arma3 but there is till some what is not.) -Ladder climbing. For me still ruin the imersion when the character climb in the air. Anyway i can live with it but not like it. -Stupid Ai. I prefer play against players, but i used to play dominion with arma 2 what was fun with ai so absolutly need some upgrade. -Poor performance. As mention before i wish BIS can debug this, but i have my worries. Think about arma2 -Stucking inside enviroment. Love: -The new Lightning and weather system. It has some issues what i reported, but looks absolutly stuning. The night looks also beautiful with lights. Hope there will be more lightsource in the villages then we can see imgages like these: http://www.hofistudio.hu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/este.jpg -Underwater is also looks super. More fishes, plants some wreck and tweaks and a dream come true. (im a bige dive lover) -Screen on screen. I know on those screens and rearview mirror are knurled, but those are great use. Im absolutly staisfied with them. -Animation lot better than ever before. I wish someday we can se as great as fifa and BF3, but this one is feals finaly fluid and realistic. Lot better than arma 2. -The new cover system is ammazing. This is great invention. Easly accesible, controllable. Every FPS need that system now. Only thing is needed a stance icon to know witch stance are you at. This is also true for the close counter sights. Great and easy to switch between scope and CQS. -Wind. Love it, wish they can impove wind strenght and we can see some real nasty storms. (i havent seen lightning when raining, but im keep looking) -all House accesible. (It will be much life like if some verry low poly furniture in it.) -Muzzle flahes looks great at night. Some sparks also seeable. Super cool. -Beatiful detailed cocpits, but these are trademarks of the arma series. Today these what all in my mind, maybe later i will put some more thoughts about the game. Thank you for reading it.
  5. Asaob

    Changing weapon while moving?

    Hello Vespa! Your post worried me a little bit. If im not rude to ask you, could you tell us why isn't the engine up for the challange? Please a little bit of explanation. I have some experience in game development. I also use some 3d package like maya and zbrush. I seen the crysis 2 engine demonstration in 2007 what already can make parametric animation system. I thought in 2013 the developpers have so much knowledge, software package in their hands what are made they job a lot easyer in any way. I cant imagine why isnt the engine can handle the different body parts, because if the character is moving the head also can move separatly. Why cant you make combine a running animation on leg and and a wepon changeing animation for the upperbody part? Arma3 animation finaly feels realistic and continuously. You guys made so great looking games, but your games Achilles heel is always was the animation,and physics. Finaly the characters can sit on motors, and helicopters, have great mocap anims, etc.. I thought you got so much money from dayz than you can (hire anyone)make the best fps on the world ever. Crysis demonstration: - start 1:22
  6. Hello! I have a big problem. The problem is when i want to connect my home-made server i cant log in. There was 2 incident. The first was when i join the server the side chooser pop up and when i chose side end click ok its starts downloading the mission data, but it never ends. It freezes when the download reach the end of the line. Tho other method is again at the team selecting menu, but when its reach the "receiving data"-s end line it drops an error message! The message is: "Script Server\Update TownGroup.sqs not found" I checked my router i configured it as the server administrator suggest to me. Disabled my firewall and virus buster. The clue is i can join other servers without a problem just my home-made (my country's fan based server hungary) cant! Please inform me here if you have any issues for my problem! Regards EDIT:! Damn i miss spelled my forums name. Sorry for that. I mean CAN'T JOIN