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Everything posted by Mi6k.Ghulham

  1. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWII MP Released!

    Am i the only 1 who cant Mount a MG on a Tripod?
  2. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWII MP Released!

    Main Thing is that You Keep OFP Alive!
  3. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWII MP Released!

    I kinda dount like the standing anim,kinda like original ofp BUT! Otherwise its probably one of the best OFP Mod´s out there. Super Work! Some1 Should create a Server For this mod.So people would start playin OFP again! :)
  4. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Strenfould island v2.0 addon for OFP

    Always good to se ofp addons,nomatter what it is,but people still use the trees from 2001 not the RES trees.thats kinda wierd. or is it me?
  5. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Wherz the update Rooney !? :(
  6. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Drongo's Air Support

    OFP engine is just amazing,for a 2001 year game. I hope the new Menu will be better resolution. Big Respect to you guys. All OFP needs is a realtime editor.
  7. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Soon it will be like 1 year from last update.
  8. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Ofp realtime editor

    Wovoviva looks nice.
  9. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Ofp realtime editor

    Eversince i heard about RTE on VBS1 I hoped someone would make it for OFP. So Few days ago i contacted this guy who made RTE for ARMA and asked Him would it be possable to convert it or make a new Version for OFP,so he said if he had any help he would basicly do it,im eaven willing to donate. Any ideas here maybe? His webpage is http://rte.jonasscholz.de/blog/ Thanks!
  10. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Simple Request would be a costom sound mod,or addon,what would repleace the Original ARMA 2 Radio sounds with good old OFP radio Sounds. Just thinking...
  11. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    If you Fix it,post it up.Maybe how to remove the dynamic voices too?... its really anoying in MP :)
  12. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Has anyone talked TO Fab?
  13. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Its automatic,you can disable it,im not sure i remember how,but maybe someone can help?
  14. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Okey,Thanks for the tip I fixed it.
  15. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    I Reuploaded http://www.filefront.com/15520205/@MCM-SLX.part1.rar http://www.filefront.com/15511719/@MCM-SLX.part2.rar By the way what about the update that you said was comming? still working on it or is it RIP :)?
  16. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Simple Request would be a costom sound mod,or addon,what would repleace the Original ARMA 2 Radio sounds with good old OFP radio Sounds. Just thinking...
  17. Mi6k.Ghulham

    OFP Addon request thread

    Realtime editor would be my request :)
  18. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    I wish Fab would release all the beta stuff :)
  19. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    I know...i was too rough. But i was and still am willing to donate to thease guys :)
  20. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    5 Years of bullshit? I hope its not a Nother FacePalm case like OFP2 I hope its a little pause and the mod will be realesed next Week :)
  21. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Is the Mod DEAD or what?
  22. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Yeah Thanks. Im looking for MCM 1.1 online players,from europe. If anyone is intrested? Contact me please *Somedude_47@hotmail.com*
  23. Mi6k.Ghulham

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Link`s are all Dead,could someone upload a new one
  24. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    I guess you guys are quite busy? Some new screens maybe? Or Something :( And a beta would be nice. Cheers!
  25. Mi6k.Ghulham

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    A serious question,Armor penetration?Ofp stock or somthing new,Mg Tripod ?And Artillery? Thanks!