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About ExA-Blade

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  1. ExA-Blade

    Aiming like im on steroids

    no it is a software problem... Mouse acceleration.... I was able to correct some of it - however - the main 2 second delay between moving the mouse or pushing a key on the keyboard before the action takes place on the screen is still there. I know people running GTX 285's having the same problem.... I'll have to check out the update when steam supplies it to see if it has been addressed yet.
  2. ExA-Blade

    Aiming like im on steroids

    Ok - kinda got it fixed. Here is what I did. System before: I noticed that the 320 gb hd was about 90% full so I ordered and installed a 1 tb hard drive and moved a bunch of crap from the 320 to the 1 tb. I now have about 80% free space on my boot drive (320gb). I uninstalled Arma II and Steam entirely - killed my old video card drivers (the onboard video). I also located a file a buddy told me about who had a similar problem - and installed this http://mytopfiles.com/programs/file/directx_mar2009_redist/315149.htm. I also applied most of the tweaks and fixes mentioned in other posts before hand with no results - which is what prompted me to do what is spelled out here.... A new card is just too expensive for me right now. After rebooting and cleaning out the system and hard drives and another reboot - I reinstalled everything. Mouse and keyboard lag is gone.... I don't think this will fix everyone's problem but it is a good start. If your Hard Drive is too full it will slow it down - keep that in mind as well. Now as for the a fore mentioned DirectX file - I did this cause after installing Arma II and the DirectX upgrades IT required (I have to assume) it caused the same problems in all of my games. But after installing the "fix" all the other games worked right. Here is the system after the upgrade - notice no change in video. NOT ALL THE PROBLEMS ARE VIDEO CARD RELATED.
  3. ExA-Blade

    Aiming like im on steroids

    I don't see how that is possible when the 9300 is much newer than the 7800. And it isn't a mobile card.
  4. ExA-Blade

    Aiming like im on steroids

    I don't see how you can say that when the requirements are for a 7800 card with 256 mb ram and I am running a 9300 with 512 mb ram and the 9300 is faster and stronger than the 7800 ... I know of two people with similar systems and lower cards that can run it fine and do not experience the delay. Again - I didn't say choppy - I said there is a full one or two second delay from the time I move the mouse and when the aim point moves on the screen. Not trying to be rude (I have seen the same thing in several places in this forum where someone is VERY explicit and concise in what they say and people are still confused by what they mean) - but I don't see how I can explain the problem any better than what I have. My video card is well ABOVE what is required - as is my ram and cpu's etc.
  5. ExA-Blade

    Aiming like im on steroids

    No you didn't understand it all - Slowed down movement is one thing - a full one to two second delay in moving from when I move the mouse to when it activates on screen or when I right click to bring sights or scope up to look through and a full one or two seconds pass before the weapon starts to move - IF it moves at all - or even a full one or two seconds from when I push the q,w,e,a,s,or d keys before movement appears on the screen is something entirely different. That isn't simulation - that is straight up delay - my question is why - and what can be done about it. If this was INTENTIONAL to simulate weapon weight then the programmers have something wrong with their thinking - it actually makes the game entirely unplayable.
  6. ExA-Blade

    Aiming like im on steroids

    I don't know if this is the correct place for this question but it does seem to relate to this discussion. My problem is what I call mouse lag - it is almost a full second to two seconds from when I move my mouse or push the w key to walk or run forward before it actually takes place on my screen.. This makes the game virtually unplayable. Originally I thought it was my video card (onboard ATI HD3200) so I purchased an nVidia 9300 GS. While that indeed did fix some of the video problems I had - it has done nothing to help with the major delay. My computer is practically brand new. AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor 5050e 2.6 ghz 4 gb Ram nVidia GeForce 9300 GS I would think if it was just the mouse acceleration it would only happen with the mouse and not when you try to walk or run forward as well. Does anyone have an idea why the keyboard input would relate to the mouse problem too?
  7. The HD 3200 is faster than the X1800 - plus that doesn't explain why my other games are now unplayable on the same machine after installing the game and direct x upgrade. UPDATE - apparently this card has a small problem with the NEW direct X - talked to tech support at the local computer shop - some of these cards don't like the direct x drivers - so I purchased an nVidia 9300 card - one of the techs there plays Arma2 and had the same problem - suggested some cards and bought one on ebay.
  8. Not even close - I am talking about a full second delay from moving the mouse to when the screen moves or stops moving - and video lag that shouldn't be there.
  9. Below is my complete DX Diag text. My system beats all the requirements for this game as listed on the site - what I would really like to know is why not only this game is unplayable but now even my Rainbow 6: Vegas 2 is unplayable as well now (it worked before installing this game and Direct X it required. Mouse control is FLAKY to say the least - jumpy and impossible to line up shots etc cause the mouse won't stop moving for almost a second or more. Video and audio are not in sync either. I have the game pretty much set on the lowest possible settings - text is barely readable cause it is so fuzzy from using a low resolution. This isn't a system that is old or even home built - it is a commercial HP Pavillion and 4 gig of ram - video is an ATI HD 3200 ( far above the 1800 required.) Does anyone have any clue how to get this working?