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About fatguard

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  1. this might seem like a noob questions but: *how do i add a server to my favorite list? *how do i connect to a server by ip?
  2. so if i select multiple units with mouse drag and create waypoint, it affects all of them? I see only 1 line to waypoint drawn.
  3. can someone answer this question: Can i assaign one waypoint to all units or i must do it 1by1? How i make my tanks and infantry all move to one waypoint.
  4. Thanks for your reply, but this guide is too complicated for me :D there was one small guide posted here but i cant find it anymore...
  5. cant find any guide for startes. i try to make basic mission (1 side protect village other attacks). What waypoints i should use? Can i assaign one waypoint to all units or i must do it 1by1? Id like to be able to use all units, but if i select "player as driver,commander,gunner" option, i still cant get inside of them.