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Everything posted by Batisda

  1. Hey I have been wanting to buy the game for some time now, the only problem is, I dont wanna pay the price that is set in my location, which is like 40-50€ (about $60), when I have found it at prices around 15-20€ ($20-30). The problem with the places I have found those keys however, is only for the retail version = I need to have the cd/dvd -.-' Some of my friends have it, so it is not a problem for me to get it installed if I want, my problem is, that the game wants the cd/dvd to start the game. So to the question now: Are there not a way avoid this? Are there not a way to play without the cd/dvd in the drive? To make it 100% clear, Im not talking about coping anything illegal here or anything, I just want to play den original game, but without having to swap cd's all the time.
  2. Batisda

    Arma 2 without a cd?

    #4 Because I don't support Steam anymore. They made a huge change in their price system in EU in the end of 2008, which made all games about 30-40% more expensive. Anywho, I have had the game for some time now (retail version), and wanted to try something out, but can't get it to work. I got the files from the download able version from a friend, who bought it from GAME.co.uk, and my question now is: Can't I use that, and then skip using the cd/dvd? Or is there a different "key system" for that, which makes me unable to activate the game with a retail version key?
  3. Batisda

    Arma 2 without a cd?

    Yeah okay, thanks for the fast reply :)