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Posts posted by blanghorst

  1. Well, I run on Vista 32 and do not use that switch. Plus I only have 2GB of RAM.

    Pre SLI fix, I had exactly these problems. Trees would at first render as rectangles of brown, then the geometry would warp into a more tree like shape (round) and finally the branch and leaf detail would come into view. All in all taking about 2-3 seconds and all only occurring after the game had been running for a while in built up areas, like in a town. I should note that at this point I had the texture settings set to High.

    Post SLI fix, using exactly the same graphics settings in exactly the same place in game, I have no rendering problems apart from the very occasional building texture 'popping' into view, which takes milliseconds to fix itself.

    To me, this indicates that both my GPUs VRAM was being not being used in the first instance as pre SLI fix I had the VRAM setting, in-game, set to Very High (as you'd expect with an Nvidia 295 running at almost 2GB of VRAM). Thus the game was attempting to utilize a Very High amount of VRAM when only half that amount was actually being utilized because SLI was not being correctly recognised.

    There's not much more I can say. Nothing else in my PC has changed and I haven't amended any shortcuts to include switches. All ive done is install the EVGA SLI 'fix' and running with every setting on High to Very High, including an insane level of AA and AF, I no longer get the same level of geometry problems that I had previously. The game runs smooth as butter at 1920x1200 apart from where I get too close to buildings where things start to stutter.

    As I replied to the OP, it may be that their in-game texture settings are set too high for a 512MB GFX card to correctly swap textures when the VRAM gets too full and, with all due respect a 512MB GFX card does not qualify as being suitable to run new games of this nature at their best.

    Arma2 isnt a linear game where all the textures can be preloaded well ahead of time, due to the player only being able to venture down a predetermined linear path. The engine requires off-the-cuff texture swapping, thus the more VRAM you have, the less problems of this nature you'll experience.

    His 8 GB of RAM is the issue, not his graphic card RAM. See other threads with many users having the same issue with 8 GB. I don't doubt that the SLI fix fixed your particular issue; as another poster said, it is the same symptom, different cause.

    512 MB of graphic RAM is enough to play this game at most common resolutions (this was the qualification you missed); I have everything on the highest setting and it runs fine at 1600 X 1200 and looks great.

  2. Sorry mate but you're seeing classic examples of VRAM being filled up, thus the engine takes its time to reload the correct textures.

    I saw exactly the same thing on my 295, until I installed the SLI EVGA fix, thus the engine started to use both GPU VRAM, not just one.

    Bottom line is that a 512mb GFX card just doesn't cut it in games like this.

    One fix, I guess, would be to bottom out the texture setting to the lowest option but the game won't look very good. That's the trade-off when using lower spec kit.

    Again, sorry. Its just a sign of the Arma2 time.

    Sorry, this just isn't accurate. The patch you installed might have done something to fix your problem, but it was not related to the amount of VRAM you had unless perhaps one of your cards has bad VRAM.

    I have 8 GB of RAM and a GF 8800GTS 512 MB card, and have the exact problem as the original poster. Add the -winxp switch to the shortcut (so it reads arma2.exe -winxp or something similar, for example) and it should fix the problem. Once I launched with that switch, the graphics were fine and I was able to crank everything up to high/very high (including textures) and had no problems.

    I've read that this switch emulates having 4 GB of RAM, though I am not 100% sure what it does. All I know is that I researched the problem, found the switch mentioned as a possible solution, and can confirm it works.
