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About majorpain1588

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    Private First Class
  1. majorpain1588

    M119 add ammo

    There is a VopSound 2.0 fix that suppossedly fixes the arty problem. Download the fixed config version. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74004
  2. majorpain1588

    M119 add ammo

    FIX: The VopSound 2.0 addon is causing the problem. Now the M119 and the D30 are working.
  3. majorpain1588

    M119 add ammo

    Still no joy. I've tried just spawning single arty units with me as the gunner and both the mortar and the MLRS spawn with ammo. The M119 still refuses to accept any ammo.
  4. Norrin, Thanks for the scripts and code tips. All I know is basic c++, so this scripting syntax has some elements that are new.
  5. majorpain1588

    M119 add ammo

    Anybody know what is up with adding ammo to M119 Howitzers? I am at a loss because this addMagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119"; doesn't work.
  6. majorpain1588

    M119 add ammo

    I am not adding magazines to the mortars. They already work fine. Its that the M119 howitzer has no ammo even when I add a magzine to it.
  7. I am working with an artillery script and have got it to work with mortars, but if I use M119s they just point,but never shoot. I have entered the arty piece and they always have 0 ammo. I have placed: this addMagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119"; in all of the M119s init fields, but its still a no go. They still have no ammo. Anyone have any ideas on how add ammo to them?
  8. ok guys I've been working with this all night and could use some help. I am trying to make a script that works like this: 1. All members of AI infantry group die 2. after a short delay a new AI infantry group spawns at a marker 3. the new group follows waypoints back to the battle. I've had it work where individual soldiers die and respawn by themselves, but I would like groups to respawn. The big thing is knowing when all group members are dead and then spawning the group. This is where I am at right now, but it doesn't work... In squad leaders init field: nul = [this, 3, 10, "east_spawn"]execVM "AI_respawn\AI_respawn_init.sqf"; Script file: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _unit = _this select 0; _lives = _this select 1; _delay = _this select 2; _respawn_point = _this select 3; _name = call compile format ["%1", _unit]; _type = typeOf _name; _group = group _name; _weapons = weapons _name; _mags = magazines _name; waitUntil ({alive _x} count units _group < 1); if (_lives == 0) exitWith {}; _lives = _lives - 1; _wait = Time + _delay; waitUntil {Time > _wait}; _randA = random 50; _randB = random 50; _posA = getMarkerPos _respawn_point; _posB = [(_posA select 0) + (_randA), (_posA select 1) + (_randB)]; _skill = [0.3, 0.5]; _side = EAST; _units = ["RU_Soldier_SL", "RU_Soldier_TL", "RU_Soldier_AR", "RU_Soldier_MG", "RU_Soldier_LAT", "RU_Soldier_GL", "RU_Soldier", "RU_Soldier"]; _newGroup = [_pos, _side, _units, [], [], _skill] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; sleep 1; _newGroup addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"East_WP1",0] [_newGroup,1] setwaypointtype"Move"; _newGroup addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"East_WP2",1] [_newGroup,1] setwaypointtype"Move"; if (true) exitWith {}; Maybe that code can be fixed or maybe there is something way easier. I am new to this. Thanks
  9. majorpain1588

    AI Respawn w/ waypoints

    Perfect. Thanks a bunch. Also, thanks for including the directions on how it works. It makes understanding scripting much easier.
  10. majorpain1588

    AI Respawn w/ waypoints

    That would be awsome if you could find that AI respawn script. Thanks for the kronzky link. That UPS script will come in handy.
  11. Hey guys. I am new to Arma2 and to scripting. I have seen how to respawn the player with the whole description.ext, but not sure how it can be applied to AI. Is there a way the have an AI unit respawn after it dies and then have it follow waypoints after it has respawned? I would like to make a mission that spawns killed OPFOR back at their base and then when they respawn they travel back to the battle to create a kind of continuous battle. Thanks:)