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Everything posted by dyscr33t

  1. dyscr33t

    Kyllikki Missions

    Sounds good, haven't had a chance to check them out yet but will soon. Thanks for your efforts!
  2. dyscr33t

    Graphics engine improvement

    Hahahahahaha. Ubisoft and EA have never put out a game nearly as close to the scope of what ArmAII is. You must have forgotten that Bohemia created OFP, you make it sound like they are new to the FPS world. If you want nade smamming, immature kids, and unrealistic rambo combat, go for Ubisoft or EA. If you want realism and true to life tactics, go with Bohemia.
  3. So are you going to end up using Multicam for these textures? I have a full set of Multicam so it would be nice to see it in the game. :)
  4. dyscr33t

    Patch 1.03?

    I'm pretty surprised at how well the game runs on my computer. I run everything on normal except for terrain and shadow detail which is set at high and post-processing at low, resolution is 1680x1050. View distance is a little over middle range. Intel Core 2 Duo 7200 @ 3.0ghz Gigabyte EP35 3.5gb G.Skill DDR2 MSI HD4850 OC Just bought a Q9550, gonna see how much of an improvement I get with it at around 3.5-4.0 ghz.
  5. dyscr33t

    Kyllikki Missions

    Have you considered translating some of these missions into English? Your missions have always been favorites of mine dating back to OFP.
  6. dyscr33t


    The Rothschilds are a criminal family syndicate dating back to the 1700s. They are scum.
  7. I don't see how the grass could be used as effective concealment anyway. If you are a sniper and at an optimal shooting distance for long range targeting (~1,000m) the game won't render grass that far out, resulting in an easy spot of the sniper. This applies of course only to human vs. human.