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About Tipx

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Tipx

    Bitter Chill

    So much for a sandbox game... I was looking in the forum to find if I was alone getting that bug, but it seems it's not a bug... but it's kinda stupid that you have to go with NAPA soldiers.. I haven't seen any NAPA soldiers so how could I guess "Hey, I'm gonna find some NAPA soldiers to follow!"... :-S **sigh**
  2. I'd go for a load if I were you... lots of bugs and things like that in that huge mission. You might want to wait for someone who actually knows something (cause I dont)
  3. It's your job to make it fly higher... when you take control of it, try the controls, just like with an Heli. (Default, press Q to gain altitude) I don't know if it follows the right altitude at all time, but it sure can help. Also, it would be nice if you could set a relative altitude... (Like "250m above whatever the ground level is")
  4. Tipx

    Slow Time Acceleration

    Yes, I know that, it's the "Time Acceleration" keys. As I said, they can only get you UP TO 4 times faster.
  5. Have I missed something or you can't actually make the game go really faster? Even with "Time Acceleration", it still not fast (and on my computer, x4 is actually only 2 times faster...) I know ARMAs are not meant to be "Fast Paced Action Packed Game", but still... Call me an heretic if you wish, but is there something like there is in Oblivion/Fallout and such where you can say "Wait for X minutes"? Thanks
  6. Tipx

    Transport chopper qustion.

  7. @Kremator : Wow... I don't know how you found this out... I can't test it since I reverted to a previous save to be able to continue, but if it ever happens to me again, I'll know what to do! Thanks :-)
  8. I just tried the Video Memory thing (dont do a thing) and the UAV in Editor (works fine) so I guess I'll do just like NoRailgunner and simply not use that untill a fix comes out to address this issue. Thanks all for your replies
  9. Postprocessing is already turned off, and I must admit I really don't understand why the graphics were fine before using the UAV and when I'm saving...
  10. Hi, After using the UAV, it seems like either my brightness is messed up, either the texture are. I checked my options, brightness is normal in there, I reloaded the game, restarted the game and it still is messed up. I saw that the textures are loaded somehow because when I "Suspend" the game, during the "Saving Process" where you can see your actual "Ingame view" with a darker overlay, the graphics are fine (well, darker because of the overlay, but you get the point) Here is a screenshot : Thanks.