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Everything posted by NotASenator

  1. NotASenator

    [Help]Skinning new units

    It didn't entirely work for me. I'm extending the FR_Base (Marine Force Recon) and the custom unit with the custom textures, but it shows up in the USMC list in the editor, with the custom faction not appearing. I'm fooling around with the config now. EDIT: Disregard, I got it to work just fine. The new faction is showing up.
  2. NotASenator

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    Actually, once again just nitpicking, but many of the optimizations (tesselation, etc) of DX11 will be supported on DX9-10.1 cards. Shader Model 5 and I think the multi-core GPU support is specific to DX11 hardware. But you are correct that the game will have to support these enhancements to really take advantage of it. There are a few games that have been delayed to include DX11 support, and since it is just an evolutionary step over DX10, I think strong support will come much quicker than for DX10, which was dreadful. But all around good points.
  3. NotASenator

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    I think the 1600 cores you are talking about are the 800 stream processors in the Radeon 48xx series. That's slightly different, but it's certainly still a decent setup. I have an Advanced Squad Leader scenario setup on the table next to my computer right now, so tabletop hasn't lost it's charm either.
  4. NotASenator

    [Help]Skinning new units

    Thanks, that helps a lot. I'll give it a shot tonight.
  5. NotASenator

    [Help]Skinning new units

    If you wanted this as a mod, you'd have to create a config file for the new unit types, right?