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Everything posted by Triton900

  1. I would love to know if the death animation from kill shots could be tweaked? The current animations while quite good would have more effect if the target dropped or "crumpled" faster to the ground if hit in center mass or the head.
  2. Triton900

    Two questions to help me get started

    Thanks a ton mate, did not expect such a fast reply! As far as placing empty units from the drop down.... *slaps forehead* duuuuhhhh! I r teh smrt!
  3. Ive been mucking about the game and greatly enjoying myself and now have begun messing with the editor but two very basic (I think) questions have me stumped. 1) How do I place a vehicle unit that is empty, Ive treid everything obvious and a done a bit of research but for the life of me cant place an empty and playable vehicle on the map, they all come pre-loaded with AI. 2) I want to start by creating a "training gorund" type map for myself and a few friends to practice on and get a feel for the game. Once the mission file is saved how do I know where my friends will spawn once they connect? Along with this how do I know if they EVEN can connect, do I need to do anything in the editor such as place playable "men" on the map? Thank you all!