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About ArmAMedic

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  1. ArmAMedic

    [SP] Armoured Recon

    Latest version released. See top post.
  2. ArmAMedic

    [SP] Armoured Recon

    Storyline: You are in the back of an APC with your squad, you are driven to point X, get out and fight the dynamic enemy presence. The friendly APC et al, helps you achieve this.
  3. New version available. Mission Name: Armoured Recon ArmA 2 version: 1.0 Addons required: None Island: Chernarus Description: New version 1.1. You can choose your APC, your soldier class, the opposition side, number and types of friendly and hostile forces, time of day. http://www.filefront.com/14443683/ArmouredRecon1.1.zip