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About mentalj

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  1. mentalj

    need some tech support guys

    yea very true mem =cheap ^^ ok dokie cheers again ^^
  2. mentalj

    need some tech support guys

    ok dokie m8 cheers for the help ill show him this thread later once again you have been so helpful lets hope we can resolve this problem without getting it back to the company cause they most probs will take so long to send back.cherers again take care, o an if we dismiss this problem would it be the gpu drivers by any chance or what other troubleshooting should i do.?
  3. mentalj

    need some tech support guys

    first of all cheers for the reply second things is ive read about that aswell due to overheating but his computer was only on for a little an his gpu an core hang around 39-45 idle so it aint to bad an his computer was brought from hp i think i deffo know its not self built,an the memtest thing looks good but i think he will void hes warrenty if he mucks around with that stuff,kinda terrible really when u think about it this has been built by a well known company an hes getting trouble,personally i would rather have xp cause ive heard bad things about vista hence the reason their bringing windows 7 out i could be tottally wrong to be honest,but what would you chose if they gave you a option xp or vista?once again cheers for a fast reply
  4. hi all just need some help with my friends computer,we have been playing arma2 online recently an have had no problems until yesterday,when where in a game his computer will randomly shut down or boot to desktop he says he's getting a blue screen with a message on it saying crash dumps,here are a couple of them <-bad_poll_header <-PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Error <- .Hes compute is about 6 months old an hes using windows vista,he said he got the odd crashes before while playing other games dawn of war 2 etc but where he is more of a console gaming guy he fault it was just a normal thing with pcs crashing etc..:) so i dont think it is due to arma2 but if someone knows what to do about this problem i would be very grateful an know this is a brill community so cheers in advance .
  5. mentalj

    fps issues help lol

    im using fraps, its weird though ive been mucking around with the settings an fault id go through all the scenario modes an i found out that i can put mostly everythink on high an 1 or 2 on very high an i get hardly anyproblems maybe 1 or 2 slowdowns (i disable aa aswell) an if i turn everythink down to med an some high plays better than i mentioned above,but when it comes to single player it cripples my fps even when all is turned down.an to be honest mp aint to bad online just the bloody lag lol but still early says so loads more patchs to come
  6. ok first of all hello every1 im hoping someone could lend me a hand,right when i play an im in the field i get good fps 57-60 but when im in town it drops to like 25 even if i put alot of my setting on low it still dont move one bit,what i cant understand is that when i play scenario theirs a misson called village attack i get 60 in fields an moving into the town it ranges between 35-an 54 which aint to bad get stutters sometimes though, but when i play campaign mode through the first 5 missons its terrible im hitting 19-25 fps esp in towns which makes it hard to play an enjoy.i have read the forums an turned of physics an tried gamebooster,an my sys is brand new got it on sunday so no need to format etc...i have d/l all new drivers with no joy,so ive hit a brick wall now an hopefully someone on here can shine a bit of light on what the hell is going wrong :P cheers in advance peeps os win xp Quad core Q6600 2.4ghz i have 4g ddr2 800 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 OC 896MB