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About hybrean

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  1. Hi, me and my friend have been trying to play the campaign and other preinstalled missions lately and it hasn't work out well, we always get stuck while loading, in the campaign it doesn't say anything its just stuck waiting for host after recieving files. All the other preinstalled missions get "script initmission.sqf not found" error. The interesting thing is that all homemade missions and custom maps hosted on public servers works fine. These missions/campaign worked somewhat before (in version 1.01) but we'd always had some kind of trouble with it. Is anyone else experiencing this? Are there any fixes? We've done clean installs a few times and it doesn't fix the issue.
  2. I mean overall, doesn't really matter which OS, running 32-bit applications on 64-bit system takes some extra resources to make it all compatible and by default a 64-bit system takes up a little more memory than a 32-bit for using 64-bit blocks. The performance difference shouldn't be 11% but it could be around 3-4% depending on the application. Look at this Benchmark http://64-bit-computers.com/windows-vista-32-bit-vs-64-bit-benchmark.html if you want to know how well 64-bit and 32-bit perform different operation against each other (higher value is better) heres another one with xp32 vs xp64 with games http://www.tbreak.com/reviews/article.php?cat=cpu&id=295&pagenumber=4. Also if Arma 2 was written in 64-bit instead of 32 the 64-bit system would beat it hands down. All im saying is that benchmarking a software on a 32-bit OS and on a 64-bit OS and then draw a conclusion about which OS performs best is not the way to go, instead try 32 vs 32 and 64 vs 64 to get a more exact result.
  3. Don't compare 32-bit with 64-bit, theres automatically a performance drop when a 64-bit system is running 32-bit application which in this case Arma 2 is. It makes even bigger difference which such low settings, the more memory is in use the bigger advantage a 64-bit system has.
  4. Hi fellow players, I've read that some people have trouble using pilflus with windows vista and 7 (including me) so i've found another way to give commands in Arma 2. Theres a software plugin for Windows Speech Recognition by Microsoft called Windows Speech Recognition Macros that does about the same and a little more. You can get it from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=fad62198-220c-4717-b044-829ae4f7c125&displaylang=en Then just as you would do with pilflus configure Windows Speech Recognition start the plugin and add commands by using "Send Keystrokes". Remember to add a certificate if you're using windows 7 otherwise it wont work. Heres a few usefull commands when writing the macros: Key text Key definition {WIN} Windows Key {LWIN} Left Windows Key {RWIN} Right Windows Key {MENU} Menu Key {CTRL} Control Key {LCTRL} Left Control Key {RCTRL} Right Control Key {CAPSLOCK+} Puts CAPSLOCK in the "ON" state {CAPSLOCK-} Puts CAPSLOCK in the "OFF" state {NUMLOCK+} Puts NUMLOCK in the "ON" state {NUMLOCK-} Puts NUMLOCK in the "OFF" state {SCROLLLOCK+} Puts SCROLLLOCK in the "ON" state {SCROLLLOCK-} Puts SCROLLLOCK in the "OFF" state {NUM0} - {NUM9} Number pad 0 - Number pad 9 {NUM*} Number pad * {NUM/} Number pad / {NUM+} Number pad + {NUM-} Number pad - {NUM~} Number pad ENTER {n WAIT} Wait for n milliseconds before sending next key