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Everything posted by Spkka

  1. Well i got to the point that it shows the "toggle power" parameter. But I have no idea how to add a variable for each generator that is build. Arma2 kinda lack information about scripting in my opinion or Im missing something..
  2. Hey I am changing the crcti warfare.07 to fit to my own needs. I added all possible objects in arma to build in your base etc. Now I want make a power generator which is needed before the other buildings will function. Maybe some meter that keeps track of the current power and the power that is needed in total. I don't really have an idea how to start on this. I added a power generator to build and I got the option to turn toggle the power on/off near the generator. I need to create a variable so that I know if the generator is on or off and play a sound if its on, and stop the sound if its off. How does this work? ---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ---------- I want to test if toggle works and I added this, I bet i do something wrong but I have no idea really. Turning it on/off should go for each Power Generator and not as 1 variable i guess. ; args: [object, type, si] ? (power): power = false; PublicVariable "power"; power = true; ? !(power): power = true; PublicVariable "power"; power = false; if ( power == true ) then { playsound "track1"; }
  3. Hey, this part opens up a build menu on which players can choose whatever structure they want to build ingame from a listbox in crcti warfare.07 I have a feeling loading the whole list at once is a bit heavy so i thought to seperate Primary, defense, rural and sign structures. I have no idea how to show only Primary structures when the button primary is being pressed. Guess i need to hold what button got pressed last and display these. Do i need to set types or something for each structure then?
  4. I got this for updating the player actions he can perform. It only adds things multiple times into the list which it shouldn't. Like if there are 2 support trucks it will display "Vehicle support menu" twice. I got no idea how to loop trough all the action and how to get rid off actions that already exist. { _id = _unit AddAction [_x, "Player\ActionStructure.sqs"]; _actionIDs = _actionIDs + [_id] } foreach _actionNames
  5. Guess this should be under addons/scripting anyways. Anyone?
  6. Hey all, I am changing the crcti Warfare.07 to fit to my own likings. Just fun purposes. Maybe I'll put a download link later if someone want to host it though. My main idea is to have a more base building based mode. Pretty much the same as the original but with less players and on Utes instead of Chernarus. Things i changed so far: - Removed the sound when trying to build something in your base. - Added more models for base defense structures. Most objects that are available in the arma database. - Added more enemies and towns to capture. I am still pretty new to the scripting in Arma2 but I am sure i can manage my ideas. I still want to add much more weapons/structures to buy and make the popup screens more organised then they are now. Maybe I am going to increase the squad sizes as well. Its just for fun but if someone got suggestions feel free to add them! Look for the server crcti_Spkka in Capture The Island. I host it if I am playing myself.
  7. Spkka

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Yes i got it all working. I succesfully added all other models to build as base defense. There are quite a lot of things to build right now. Some models don't show up when i try to place them yet though. Also adding more weapons to buy and such.
  8. Spkka

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Figured they go into documents and settings/user/arma2/mpmissions instead of the valve folder where it saves them when clicking extract to multiplayer missions in the editor.
  9. Spkka

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    mt79er: I did that, I have the folder from warfare in my mpmission folder. Anyways I made something with the editor before and I checked that pbo. Only the mission.sqm is there and after i extracted and packed it again I cannot edit it in the editor anymore?
  10. Spkka

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Hey 1 more question about the map. Is it possible to edit it in the editor? After extracting and packing the pbo the edit button disappeared i think.
  11. Spkka

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Hey, if you decide not allow us to change the mission, could you please make a small explanation of what you did change? I really want some base building, coop defense mission with a smaller group of players that can build, recruit etc like in warfare. Maybe even on a smaller map then Utes. If someone got the same idea pm me. Maybe we can work something out!
  12. Spkka

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Can we extract the pbo's and edit them ourselves? Just wondering. I might could help a bit and/or suit them to my needs. I kinda prefer a smaller map and less players that's why. 2 smaller groups fighting each other where base building is more important is what i need.
  13. Spkka

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Sigh.. Support for freetrack headtracking please. I think most other things already got mentioned. Please, sign the PETITION in order to ask Bohemia to implement FreeTrack in ArmA2. Here's the link: http://www.petitiononline.com/arma2pet/petition.html