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Posts posted by kLange

  1. The game seems to have stopped hanging...for the time that I tested it. The working set of memory is still capped at around 900 megs, however memory usage does increase system wide (I noticed the cached memory usage increased).

    So it seems to have solved the hanging problem, but objects texture's will still revert to the lower resolution when I turn away. It is especially noticeable in urban areas. This game confuses me technically. At least one problem has been solved though.

  2. With the map open, bring up the communications -> request support menu.

    Then move the cursor on your map to where you want to land, when it is over the place you want to land select the transport (active) option in the menu. He should verify the order by saying something and you will fly off.

  3. I have the same exact problem. I walk up to the UAV terminal but there is no option to interact with it. The UAV is up though, I see it fly overhead periodically.

    To be clear, the UAV terminal is that trailer with the antennae behind the officer you first speak to, yes? That's what it says when I bring up the command reticule, but alas no interactions are available.

  4. I ran through all of the clues I could but never could find the guy you're supposed to find doing that. Eventually what worked for me was:

    At around 12:15pm or so you will get a message saying that Lopotev was seen heading north from a particular town in a red hatchback. The message also indicates he is heading towards two particular towns. I looked at the map and and found an intersection of roads that he was most likely to show up on given his destination. I set my team up as a checkpoint there and waited. Within a few minutes, sure enough a red hatchback came driving down the road.

    I fired on the vehicle towards the passenger side to avoid shooting the driver, and he got out and tried to run. If you get close enough he will surrender. The guy I captured was actually the second in command, I do not believe you can actually capture Lopotev.

    Hope that helps.

  5. I was curious if anyone else has noticed a cap on memory usage.

    While in game I notice that ArmA's memory usage caps at around 900mb. When I first load it starts lower and then the game gradually increases to that point and just stops no matter what is happening in game.

    I've tried tinkering with the vram and localvram settings in the config with no effect, this cap still occurs no matter what the value.

    The reason I noticed this was I trying to figure out what was causing the issues I have with intermittent freezing after playing for a few minutes, and the graphical issues of textures being blurred after I turn away from them for a second. I thought perhaps the data for that texture was being paged out and the hanging was the result of the data being retrieved from swap. But it does not appear that this data should be swapped out at all since memory usage is so low. Normally I wouldn't care if an application is using less memory, but I feel like in this case it's not utilizing enough.

    Was curious if anyone else had noticed this.
