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About Madav

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  1. To whomever brought up OFP2 and complains for the sake of it: And you think Operation Flashpoint 2 will do better? I haven't seen one game play trailer from that game that leaves the impression that Arma 2 has for me: That the game play is so dynamic, fluid and fun that I'd play it for a long time to come. OFP2 is coming out in the Fall and the best they could come up with was a few moments of staged game play and a tank blast in sequences. The only impression that's left me with is that it's a run-of-the-mill shooter with decent graphics so they want word-of-mouth from fans to do the job for them. Sorry, I guess Arma 2 isn't for everyone but it is one of the greatest shooters I've ever played and a solid simulator. Best of luck to ya with whatever game you choose, but bashing a game on its own forum because you want to feel like you're not the only one is just low.
  2. Madav

    Knife in ArmA 2 ?

    A knife would be very valuable and logical if properly implemented. If a person runs out of ammo or ends up right behind an enemy while rounding a building what are they to do? Emote them to death? If there were just some form of melee attack - any attack - even a shove or butt with a rifle to gain some distance it'd work wonders. Are we really to run away and scrounge for ammunition simply because Bohemia failed to put in such a practical solution to an apparent issue? Given there are balancing issues to take into account, such as how many hits equate to a kill or how often an attack can be initiated (I mean sniper rifles can kill with shots to the head or upper torso, but they also have limited ammo and some have slower reload) There is a genuine need for such a feature and they really ought to consider having knives in this game. From a tactical standpoint, for instance, what if you've got no silencer to take out a guard and you wish to remain stealth? From a logistical standpoint, a player happens upon an enemy just around the corner and there's a structure in the way, what do they do? There are limited options and there are points where one just wants to say forget the gun, I need a swift and reliable attack.
  3. Madav

    Weapon Wishlist

    This... I can't recall the number of times I've run out of ammo in a death match and the enemy is within feet, or I'm trekking across open terrain without a supply depot nearby. There needs to be some method implemented to cover these scenarios where melee and stealthy tactics are needed. Also, why not at the least have a butt attack with rifles?