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About Wilson_B

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    Private First Class
  1. Thanks Tajin. Your idea sounds great, I would love to play it when it arrives.
  2. Hey right on man! What sort of backround do you have in scripting/editing/etc?
  3. Hey! I am currently working on a Jagged Alliance style campaign for Armed Assault 3 and was looking to find out if anyone would be interested in contributing. Bellow is a video from the intro of the campaign. It gives a rough idea of the "feel" I am going for as far as theatre of war is concerned. To any of the old Jagged Alliance vets out there who play Armed Assault 3 - this one is for you. I want to recreate some of the "key" elements of JA that made it so great such as the laptop. I'm not talking about adding turn base / action points, however JA is defenitely the aim for overall feel. I am specifically looking for someone who is skilled with creating the action menu activated interactive GUI pop up (for the laptop - I can supply the artwork for the laptop pop-up gui), as well as a money system. I will say I am willing to learn this stuff and do it myself, however I just figure it speeds up the process some and maybe someone with these skills and a fan of JA would be interested! :). I just discovered BIS_fnc_ambientAnim for ambient animations. Will be revising the intro video shown in trailer to "liven" it up a bit. The mods being used for the dynamic campaign are listed in end of video for credit purposes. Development Build trailer 01 -> Cheers, Wilson
  4. gotcha thanks, wasn't sure if #loop was a named command or just a name that is defined by user... makes sense now though.
  5. Hey everyone. Im working on some cinematics for the campaign I am currently working on. I have the intro.sqs working like a charm, however Im encountering something which is really stumping me. I set up the various cam angles for the dif shots, and after 3 shots it cuts to a fixed camera of the right side of helo. Once that shot is done, I successfuly exit the loop via a trigger with appropriate activation and condition and it cuts to the next camera shot. Now following this next static camera shot, after 30 seconds its supposed to cut to another camera fixed to pmc1 who is cargo in the helicopter however the second time I try to do a loop at this point it doesnt cut to the camera. Camera shot just stays at last static camera position... Here's the .sqs so far... ;Mission 4 - The Great Outdoors ;ACT 1 - SCENE 1 INTRO ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- titleText ["29.05.12 0930 ALPHA CENTRAL PROVINCE TAKISTAN", "BLACK IN"]; titleFadeOut 10; _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ;comment "23:24:20"; _camera camPrepareTarget [-43927.74,76531.66,-51283.89]; _camera camPreparePos [1030.15,3615.05,0.90]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ;comment "23:22:53"; ;_camera camPrepareTarget [-72602.60,-63506.05,8512.17]; _camera camPrepareTarget bell1; _camera camPreparePos [1030.15,3615.05,0.90]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.300; _camera camCommitPrepared 10 @camCommitted _camera ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;comment "23:25:25"; _camera camPrepareTarget bell1; _camera camPreparePos [1030.15,3615.05,0.90]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.300; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ~16 ;FIRST CAMERA LOOP FIXED TO VEHICLE (EXITS VIA TRIGGER (50000x50000) WITH TIME DELAY OF 10 10 10, CONDITION: startcount, ON ACTIVATION: endcameralock1) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- startcount=true #loop _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] _camera camsettarget bell1 _camera camPrepareFOV 0.050 _camera camsetrelpos [120,0,0] _camera camcommit 0 ? (endcameralock1) : goto "nextstep" goto "loop" ;STATIC CAMERA SHOT AFTER LOOP ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- #nextstep ;comment "2:28:50"; _camera camPrepareTarget bell1; _camera camPreparePos [2194.01,4213.73,0.73]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.100; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ~20 ;SCRIPT DOESNT WORK PAST THIS POINT ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- startcount2=true #loop _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] _camera camsettarget bell1 _camera camPrepareFOV 0.500 _camera camsetrelpos [0,1,0] _camera camcommit 0 ? (endcameralock2) : goto "nextstep2" goto "loop" ;TEST STATIC CAMERA POSITION TO SEE IF LAST FIXED VEHICLE CAMERA LOOP EXITS TO ANOTHER SHOT ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- #nextstep2 ;comment "2:28:50"; _camera camPrepareTarget bell1; _camera camPreparePos [2194.01,4213.73,0.73]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.100; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 @camCommitted _camera ~30 I hope someone has some insight into what Im doing wrong... Wilson ---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ---------- Well I was just reading that in order to start a second looping camera I infact have to initiate it in a second intro.sqs file. Will have to see if this works. *SOLVED* Second looping camera to be used in seperate intro script (intro2.sqs). In trigger that cuts the first looping cam I added this to init line to go to second intro script once first had ended: endcameralock1 = true; pmc3 exec "intro2.sqs"
  6. Yeah I agree this would be a nice function to have. It would be beneficial to be able to buy and upgrade weapons using a WARFARE style shop for sure... Good luck with this, hope someone has some ideas. Would be a great addition to STALKER missions especially:)
  7. Ohhhh great snippet. I think I get it. So if I understand you correctly if the insurgents were known to be driving a particular Lada for example I could name the lada they have suspect_lada. I would then have the players main objective hidden by default then make a trigger to reveal the objective. Condition for trigger being: player knowsabout suspect_lada >= 1? Then for the On Activation I would use the procedure for revealing WestObjTsk1? Thanks for the advice so far man.
  8. Ok so here is my scenario I am looking to setup for the campaign I am developing. A person is in the custody of insurgents. Intel indicates that they are holding this person at one of 3 farms. I would like to have it so the task marker doesnt show up on the captured person's location until the player has observed the 3 locations via optics/binocs and has viewed and identified maybe some named OPFOR Tak militia posted outside of the farmhut. Like maybe condition for task to be revealed is player sees these particular opfor which are listed in the condition field of trigger which reveals the objective location.... Something like: Triggered By----------------------------- OPFOR Detection-------------------------------- BLUFOR Condition--------------------------------- insurgent1 in thislist && insurgent2 in thislist Init--------------------------------------- ??? Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  9. I am fairly disapointed with the AI driving in cities in this new 1.59 patch. At first it seemed like something was improved about the driving, like when AI encountered a hanger, they knew to do a hard left to avoid it...but this is about the only thing I noticed. In Zargabad, it is horrible ai navigation... Especially when you are trying to do a cutscene for a mission that depends on a vehicle navigating a few simple streets in a reasonable amount of time and not taking rediculous detours... I dunno, I've been a fan of the series since cold war crisis but my patience for this game is wearing quite thin...
  10. Im doing an intro for the campaign I am making and in this particular scene a wounded PMC is found and carried to a car by insurgents. Now I am wondering how or if I can force one of the insurgents to pick up the PMC on startup of waypoint init line. Any ideas anyone? All I could think of was setting up the modules for first aid stuff, so the action could maybe be avaliable to ai then fig out how to command them to init the procedure for pickup of named unit?:S Ill have to tinker...
  11. Its strange man because I didnt touch a single thing after closing editor last night and patch. Nothing in Arma II Launcher was touched mod wise... However I had a backup of this map from earlier on last night which I tried and it loaded fine... This really puzzles me as I swear I didnt alter anything after finishing mission test in editor last night. Just suspended mission and quit to desktop (Alt-F4), installed patch, slept, worked, got on again to do mission work, booted arma2... Oh well the older backup from lastnight loaded so Im happy.... Thanks for takin time to respond however... Now if I could just fig out why unitPlay is acting so crazy.... but thats for another forum section/thread;) Anyhow enjoy this trio of dancing bananas. :yay:
  12. Finished working on a mission for my campaign last night, tested it, was working great. Noticed the 1.59 patch was out, downloaded and installed it before I went to bed. I go to load my mission in editor today and it said something along the lines of Failed to load mission and does nothing... Tried loading another mission just to see what happened and it loaded fine... Any ideas? Im just gonna try copy pasting all the text from 1.58 mission sqm into the new mission folder I made for 1.59...
  13. Hey. I recently finished a tutorial on youtube on how to capture flight paths of air units using the unitCapture/unitPlay functions. Worked perfectly on an empty map (Zargabad w/ a MH6, pilot, and soldier to transport. However when I replicated the process in the mission I am currently working on, the results were not good to say the least. I'd radio trigger the unitPlay portion of my helo extraction and the MH6 would sporadically change position in air by 20m (not the subtle stutter it does anyway). The heli would jump around position as it proceeded to do a rough interpritation of what I had recorded before slamming into the ground as my recorded flight path got fairly low and the darn MH6 was jumping alt badly... Is there anyone with any insight into this out there? Thanks *note* running with 1.58 patch and Ace 2 1.9
  14. Hi. Was trying to use the Simple Support Module in a Warfare mission I am making, and had an issue with using the SSM in the Warfare mission. Using 0-8 to get to the support request menu, due to the fact I was running Warfare, only the Warfare communication options were listed (Disband Units, Send Money, etc). Anyone have any tips on how to get the SSM options to be visible and listed bellow the Warfare communication options? Thanks.