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About MegaDocent

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  1. MegaDocent

    Black screen

    Many ppl have these problem. Need path.
  2. MegaDocent

    Screen Gets Black

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77241 I also have the same problem. It's clear that arma isn't correct work wiht videomemory and textures. WE ALL NEED PATH!!!
  3. No, card isn't overheated. No artefacts or freeze or slow during first 5-7 minutes of game. (At low videomemory setting) On big island i can play 5-7 minutes, at small island at least 30 minutes. And then i see 2-3 second freeze and black screen. Iа ш press esc i can see mouse pointer, i can click on places where may be a button and they are pressed. Ati support say that it is only game problem, because problem there is only one game.
  4. I have a bug. After playing 20-60 second on medium video memory or 2-5 minutes on low vidoe memory settings i have a 2-3 second freeze and screen become black. Sound still normal. and game is not freeze. I can shoot and hear shoot sound. Other settings almost not affected on time when black screen started. My computer is better then minimal prerequestion. I have a 3200+ cpu, 2 gb ram, ati 2600XT with 512mb and last drivers. I CAN'T PLAY! Russian publisher (Akella) say that this is not their problem and say to write to game-developer. (And they are very bad publisher! Russian translate is TOO bad.) On support page i can't find support email. (only support e-mail for regional publisher) Please, help me! Sorry for bad English.