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Everything posted by Herr_kalashnikov

  1. Herr_kalashnikov

    Unable to get more than 23fps

    Oh my there is hope :) Can u please tell what kind of release u have? As in a steam version (EU/US) or a boxed 505 version or maybe a other version.
  2. Herr_kalashnikov

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    My opinion on ArmA 2 from playing/tweaking with it this weekend. This release realy pushes the franchise into a new era. The animations, the sounds, the great new campaign (which shows alot cool new tricks) all makes this game a great followup. Sure there are bugs, performance issues, MP problems. I can understand that people who played only games like cod/bf and other blockbuster FPS are frustrated by the little bugs and 'jerkiness' of some controls, but if u workaround these issues u will be rewarded with one of the best game experiences u can get. I have played all BI games and I rest assured most problems will be solved asap.
  3. Herr_kalashnikov

    Unable to get more than 23fps

    So are u saying that u have 30+ fps on a campaign mission? If so could u post you're specs please.
  4. Herr_kalashnikov

    Unable to get more than 23fps

    The point people are trying to make is that everyone is having this problem. Even if u get a quad Xenon CPU's and 4x of the fastest GPU u will still see the same results. Perosnaly i tried on 640x480 resolution and scene complexity on 5000 every setting on low or lower. Still the same problems playing most missions and the campaign. I can understand that AI is a strain on the CPu but then again why is has a MP game the same performance? I think on dedicated servers the AI calculations are made server side and only the results are transmitted to the clients.