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About w00dy

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  1. Great! I am going to try the demo in a minute here. But I must first tell you a bit about me. I am really into the PC game Call of duty ever since the first one came out years ago. I know this is a bit diffrent and I do see some really cool screen shots and such of ARMA2, which got me interested because I also play Team fortress 2 alot and I got the pop up for ARMA 2 via my steam account. I also like battlefield 2 & 2142. I am in a clan for COD4 called [ETS] Elite Tactical Soldiers. we have about 200 members and we put on our own COD4 tournement several times a year called Realism 1 (R1), where we compete against 15 other clans in the tournement. [ETS] is now in a competition leauge called (TCC). http://www.tccleague.com/modules.php?name=Competition_Clan_Schedule. I would like to get some of my team mates from my [ETS] clan to join ARMA2 because We lack in the stratigies and plans department, and We could really learn some stratigies from this ARMA2 game by the looks of it. Thank-you! w00dy
  2. i am interested in joining a squad if possiable. I am thinking of buying the game and I am downloading the demo now to try it.