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About tf_nick

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  1. tf_nick

    Proned turning unrealistic!?

    it's just a game dude, if you want realistic shit go join the real army instead of playing the game
  2. i have a 4870 and q6600 oc'd to 3.0 running at 1680x1050 4gb dominator, vista 64 ultimate whenever i am in the main menu i get usually around 50fps at high=very high settings, except MSAA disabled. but whenever i am in the campaign it drops to 20-23fps per sec, no matter the settings is very low or very high, i tried lowering the fillrate to 50% and interface still stays at 1680x1050, my fps doesn't go up at all. then this is definitely has to do with my cpu you know why you guys getting good fps in the carrier or main menu but not in the SP , BECAUSE IT DOEESN"T INVOLVE ANY AI (WHICH IS VERY CPU DEPENDED)!!!