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Posts posted by Fireball

  1. The AC-130 is nice for missions where you'd just incinerate everything, which is not/should not be the case in Insurgency.

    You can order a CAS-Strike with the A-10 because sometimes there are like 2-3 enemy vehicles and even tanks about and you might be overrun with them.

    If everything goes well, I will make it an option to use an AI controlled A-10 for a precision, laser-guided airstrike.

    On another note I'd appreciate if I'd get some feedback on removing the RC heli - does everyone agree with this?


  2. The reason I'm asking as with only 4, it takes us hours to make any headway.

    In fact we've yet to find a single cache!

    It takes some practice.

    But after we got 4-5 clues my clan mate is doing even solo cache-blowups at times. You currently can use e.g. Mk.19 on the HMMV or an A-10 strike to blow up a suspected house including the contained cache - "the cheap way[tm]".

  3. Yes I was. What I was trying to do with the mission is have the parameters already preset so when you get

    iname you didn't have to mess with them, and I also added a few more weapons to the loadout.

    Usually you do mission param presets in your dedicated server config as outlined in the BIKI.

    I was wondering how do you guys have the caches setup, like is it scripted so they spawn in random places, but only in houses?

    and Lastly

    How did you guys do the grid change like when theres enemy in a grid and then you clear it out and the green changes to green,

    Its seems like an area trigger but Obviously its not as theres nothing preset or even in the mission I can see that makes it so,

    just wondering how you guys do that, I'd like to implement something like that in some missions I have built.

    To explain all this takes more than just few lines of forum post. The mission is 95% scripted and the rest are the player units and few prepared units, such as the MHQ, HQ, Sandbags, Helipad "H" and some helper units. There are absolutely no triggers, except for a game logic.

    If you want to know what is done how in detail you should find me on TS some day. PM me so I can give you my Skype details.

  4. I tried the mission without opening the pbo, and hosted it in mp but the mission wouldn't load.

    I just seen that the folder setup wont allow the mission to load because theres a folder within a folder with the files inside,

    Its no big deal so i just removed the one folder, so now its only 1 folder and then the files inside.

    I added to tickets for features on the Insurgency on DevHeaven.

    Not sure if you're doing what I think. Are you trying to use it in the MP editor? Then yes, if you depbo the mission, you need to remove the subfolder.

    If you don't unpack the mission loads just fine for me.

  5. Fireball, thanks for converting insurgency to the other islands.:D

    But there is a problem with your dev-heaven files:

    insurgency0_76.fallujah.7z (is actually plr_mana)

    insurgency0_76.lingor.7z (is actually fallujah)

    insurgency0_76.plr_mana.7z (is actually lingor)

    No problem, I just renamed the files with the correct island extension.

    ZOMG...umm, it was a TEST! Yeah, just a TEST to see how many play the exotic islands... :D

    No, it was my PBO'ing script...I mixed it up late at night when I pushed that release, fixed and will re-upload in a minute.

  6. Question for you Fireball.

    Is there some reason you have insurgency0_76.takistan folder, then inside another folder labled insurgency.takistan

    with all the mission info,scripts ect,. inside?

    I hope this is not your biggest problem...? Well it's how I batched my PBO'ing using MakePBO.exe. It points to each directory of my repo subdirs. Obviously that subdir is included by MakePBO - as long it works, it's fine for me.

    The remote chopper you can steer if you hit your freelook button.

    I dont see the point of having a remote chopper, I think it would be better to have a chopper everyone can get into and

    go to where ever, as Once I fly someone where were all fighting then i still got to get myself to the same place, and only

    way to do that is to drive, and if it far then im missing out somewhat, most times I just respawn on my squad which defeats the realism.

    I left it in because there were not many people playing Insurgency frequently, and when you're in with 2-4 people you could be glad for AI transportation after e.g. blowing up stuff. But I might set default for Remote Controlled chopper to OFF eventually, as it seems it's getting reciprocally unpopular to the popularity of the mission.

    EDIT: But you realized that there is a mission parameter to have the heli unmanned, right?

    For the A-10, being able to call in airstrikes versus flying the thing myself, i'd rather be on the ground in the action and

    then have an A-10 come in and hit a target Im having trouble with. Call in an airstrike via mapclick.

    Well it would require something like a laser target maybe. I'll think about it. While rocko does something like this for the ACE version, I think to recall that it should be scriptable by using Vanilla AI acquiring ground units laser targets too.

    Another idea I had was the ability to pick where you start out, as sometimes the base spawns in places that you have

    played in an area before, a change of scenery really adds to the immersion or fun to the mission.

    I don't see this as much of an issue, since you should be after the caches anyway and they're quite random. So as soon you have to move over, your scenery changes.

    But I think, now as I write about it, to know a way how you could pick your general area where you'd like to start...

    How about placing a feature ticket onto my DH project space for both ideas ("A-10 directed airstrike" and "pick the spawn") adding your input there?

  7. Insurgency v0.76 released

    All maps released:

    - Takistan (+BAF)

    - Zargabad (+BAF)

    - Lingor

    - Mana Island

    - Fallujah

    Mission available at


    For improvements and fixes, please see the roadmap at:


    Please feel free to post your suggestions here or, better even, file a ticket on DevHeaven in the project issue tracker.

    If anyone is a good banner designer:

    I appreciate that there is a banner and I've already put it on the project home intermediately, but as I mentioned, it doesn't present the mission enough. If anyone comes up with another suggestion I'm all open for it.

  8. One thing I'd like to see though is more IEDs and suicide bombers. For IEDs I'd love to see more than the enemy version of a satchel. Something like a piece of garbage laying there that has a timer and a trigger. Once you're within 10m of the IED it will go off in, say, 30 seconds unless disarmed. As for suicide bombers, I'd like it if it was a standard enemy who would just blow himself up if you came too close to him, but still shoot at you if you're far enough away.

    The IEDs and suicide bombers is being worked on :). So far is it very effective!

    I gladly accept any submissions to that (with the prerogative to implement it maybe a bit differently or optionally).

    If anyone wants to take part of the Insurgency project directly, I'll be happy to talk it over, since, as I mentioned, I have family and my time is limited (thus the slow release cycle).

  9. Fireball, have you had a look at UPSMON (the updated version of UPS) ?

    Well I've read all the features and I felt that there is no need for the "bloat" it delivers. After all this ain't a ordered and controlled campaign of the AI.

    UPS is merely used for the AI vehicle patrols.

    ---------- Post added at 12:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 AM ----------

    Hoping someone can help with this.


    I'd be happy to share this with Fireball if he wants to include it in the main development (where I would rather see it reside). Perhaps making it a mission parameter would be best.

    Well it never meant to be a SP mission, but then again, as a param, why not?.

    Please file a feature ticket on my project space and paste diffs (or attach them).

    The only problem is when one takes control of the HELI. After returning to normal, the group is lost. I can't seem to figure out why this is happening or how to resolve.

    Anyone have ideas on what might be the issue or where to look?

    I have an idea about this, but I'm not sure what you exactly see - who is taking control of the heli? Whose group is lost?

    OTOH, if you put your diffs in a ticket, I might debug it with the changes in.

  10. Mando is good but no. Keep it down in the dirt and door to door. This is and should remain Squad action. Just my opinion.:cool:

    Absolutely my thinking.

    At least this would explain the massive explosion when you blow up the comparably modest in-game weapons cache right now - but I can't help myself, it's damn cool to watch :cool:

  11. Dunno if your still looking for a banner but here:

    and a somewhat different BIGGER version: (Click to Enlarge.)

    Oh, nice one, but I think the big font should read "Insurgency", since we're not playing pogoman, right? Can you swap this somehow?

    I mean, nothing against credits, but the main thing should be the misson.

  12. MadRussian, I can confirm, that AI identifies friendlies as "Unknown Man" at times.

    OTOH, what I can confirm, that if your AI guys call out an unknown man which is in fact an enemy (but they can't know it at this time), they open fire already. Maybe this has more something to do with the fact that they don't call out one person twice.

    One more distinct difference between unknown friendlies and unknown enemies (what a paradox) is that they call out "Unknown Man" for not precisely identified allies or civillians, but they call out "Unknown <something>" but never "... Man" for what turns out to be enemy, so basically AI already know what's running/sitting there and it's only poorly disguised by the engine.

  13. I mean if Steam was implemented to conduct a buddy list, that would be already a significant improvement, but then it should seamlessly support the modifications (mods) and probably also host approved mods, so they can be retrieved and integrated into the game automatically.

    This would require though, that mods may be loaded with the game, without influence of playability of missions and servers, which do not utilize those mods.

  14. Don´t know if anyone has brought this up, but I think you should be able to(as we can with 0.74) to choose if you want all the vehicle/Friendlies to show up on map in the server setting. I know this is not realistic but for people that just want to play for awhile and aren´t really into the realism in example, checking your GPS and then find out where you are on the map, they just wanna start playing right away and be able to see where their buddies are.


    You can set it in mission params; "Insurgency markers". I disabled it by default, because the map reading, compass and GPS is something many (and me too) appreciate in A2.


    Fooking great game mode but, would be nice to have points scoring for revive,picking up brief cases etc?

    Also grass/view distances options? (me still on single core) makes hell off diff to fps! ;)

    Well, default View Distance is 1600m, and you can change it in Radio. As it seems though, Radio menu is bugged in MP for anyone besides the leader and you will need to bring up the map and doubleclick the radio icon to zoom it and then click on the text entries.

    Please add such suggestions to my project space on dev-heaven (link in my signature), and elaborate what you would like to see in detail.

  15. Thanks a ton for the hard work and dedication!

    Our squad is anxiously awaiting the Fallujah version. I tried using the coordinates from sowens's version found here, but failed miserably. The grid squares pop up, but the ammo caches do not spawn and the MHQ, while deployable, doesn't teleport the rest of the vehicles next to it.

    Will the Fallujah version be out next release? If not, is there a way to import it into the mission?

    Thanks again!

    I can try and do the Fallujah version with 0.75 already, it's a matter of coordinates. I had the vehicle bug in my last version. I wonder if they spawn if you blow them up. Not sure why the caches wouldn't spawn; I'll try it out.

  16. Thanks; some News addendum:

    It was a hard release, since I decided to make all maps previously known to me working with Insurgency "somewhat", to work good and there were some quite tricky fixes to be done, including the MHQ re-deployment to work fine on Lingor, which it does now, to my delight.

    The only exception is Mana, which works just "fine", because the island was extended below the water up to 200m at some points and thus the BI function "isFlatEmpty" does not work as expected and plants the HQ on the shore, partially into the water sometimes. Thus if you're spawned in a miserable place you need to restart the mission for now, unless you manage to move the HQ.

    I'll start on putting in more of your wished features now, I promise. But as it seems I need to convert my Git branching strategy into a submodule strategy first, which will eat up some more time before I can continue to do anything, which is part of my learning process with Git too (powerful tool!).
