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Everything posted by Fireball

  1. Suma: Can you get a new linux beta server build into pipe? I think now is a good point in time. Or at least just around 1.60 RC (which could be due by soon). EDIT: This one http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24104 fixed, should be a prerequisite though.
  2. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24875#note-12 <- EH killed broken? EDIT: Nope, looks like "createVehicle" is broken.
  3. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85101

    Can you create a little repro mission on Desert, with clear and simple repro steps? Even better, can you create a CIT ticket listing Observed, Expected, Repro Steps and attach this mission?
  4. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85015

    Correct, it's zGubas implementation of a muzzle flash for ACE. So, if you test KPVT with 1.59, it should still work, if this is the case and it's affected by the same 1.60 BETA bug.
  5. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85101

    Possibly changed FSM priorities might cause this. Maybe the FSM doing the binoc move needs to be revised - this might already be in place but we might not be getting it with betas, since data fixes are only rolled out with full patches.
  6. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85015

    Besides a few optimization issues and some special security issue, this is still a sorely missing fix. It's been caused by 1.60 BETA.
  7. Fireball

    RSS Feed for Beta Patches

    I can help with that, I got my own FreeBSD host. Get to me per PM.
  8. Fireball

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    We might add this one yet: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24940
  9. Fireball

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84689

    I encountered two recent beta issues to date: - Dead AIs remain standing in MP are back (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24683) - Windows DS has some memory leak (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24684) All experienced with latest beta.
  10. Fireball

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84628

    Ah, for those who only want to review non-resolved 1.60 BETA issues, use this =status_id&op[status_id]=%3D&v[status_id][]=1&v[status_id][]=2&v[status_id][]=10&v[status_id][]=4&f[]=cf_32&op[cf_32]=%3D&v[cf_32][]=1.60+BETA&f[]=&c[]=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=priority&c[]=subject&c[]=author&c[]=assigned_to&c[]=updated_on&c[]=category&c[]=fixed_version&c[]=votes_value&group_by="]filter link for the CIT. ---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ---------- I recommend releasing a beta with the overdub fixes very soon. Currently my SP beta-testing falls flat because of that.
  11. Fireball

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84628

    Btw. a very handy function on the Community Issue Tracker is now the "First affected ArmA II version". I've created a filter link, which lists =status_id&op[status_id]=o&v[status_id][]=1&f[]=cf_32&op[cf_32]=%3D&v[cf_32][]=1.60+BETA&f[]=&c[]=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=priority&c[]=subject&c[]=author&c[]=assigned_to&c[]=updated_on&c[]=category&c[]=fixed_version&c[]=votes_value&group_by="]all bugs caused by 1.60 BETA. This filter can then be saved, by clicking on "Save" below filter options, then enter a name for the Filter (e.g. "Caused by 1.60 BETA") and click save again. You will find the shortcut on the right side above the pre-defined filters in Redmine.
  12. Fireball

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84628

    Looks like some PBOs fail verification with recent signature changes, even with valid signatures: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24568
  13. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    Btw. thanks for your reply Suma, this clears up a lot to me and makes me look forward, once the issues are done for.
  14. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    This is not true, the ticket was set to duplicate and thus closed. You should have gotten an e-mail about this, there is always a link. Or you can check in Activities and find my change there. Or you can click on the filter on the right, to only display tickets of yourself. Etc.
  15. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    I don't want to rain on everyones parade and also do love MP improvements, but I am seriously concerned about the recent changes in netcode. Looks like base netcode components are now rewritten from scratch or something - honestly I'm a bit confused. We seem needing to piece together all possible combinations how setDir and setPos need to transfer information anew right now. I'm mostly worried that there are other undiscovered bugs sleeping in MP code in the same style, that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Does every script command in the game, which has remote and local influence at the same time now need to be re-verified? Shouldn't BI have a test suite for such? Suma, what are other potential commands which could be affected? (MP) Eventhandlers? moveIn*/moveOut orders? MP framework? I just wish to have more insight as to why the myriad of issues with setPos and setDir. Can the code be somehow whitebox analyzed for other breakages in this fashion, so we don't have to rely on trial-and-error only? ---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 AM ---------- Oh yeah - just as a heads up and reminder to self: Crow is also broken: - dead player isn't transferred into crow immediately but sees the crow from above for about 30 seconds - crow is going offset in MP Repro: One client hosts, a second joins (simple two player MP editor mission), player two shoots player on host. Host player flies around in crow and after a short moment the crow is at a different position on the host than on the remote client. I'll create a ticket tonight, ASAP, gotta jet now.
  16. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

    Well, Suma/we do need quality tickets and full custom missions like Warfare are so complex that they're not useful for debugging per se, specially if the person debugging is not familiar with them and they're big and take a long time to load. I'd say of course it's welcome that you report bugs, but sometimes writing less is more. One issue, one repro case. And only thanks to your ticket, I got to see the issue and created a repro mission for it which Suma could use, so keep up the good work. A repro mission should be on Desert or Utes (they load quickly) and should only contain units/code to present the one very issue. I've created now a second ticket about the setDir issue, maybe it IS fixed by the setPos fix, maybe not. If it's the same issue, the new ticket is quickly closed or set as a dupe. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24413
  17. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

    I'm sorry, your ticket was very voluminous and presented three extremely heavy missions and confused more than it helped. I reduced it to the setPos case, but also added in setDir (which was working on my tests). So it is NOT a simple setDir, which is not working, not even on a DS. We need a different ticket for the orientation of buildings not transmitting and a different repro mission.
  18. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

    Not sure, there is no setDir issue I could reproduce. So you say in the same game, someone with a later beta saw all buildings oriented towards north, while you saw it correctly? :eek: That would mean structure orientation would not be transmitted in latest beta. :butbut:
  19. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

    I made a repro mission which uses setDir with hardcoded values in http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24368 but setDir works there. The buildings in Warfare BE might point north because you did not turn them before placement. :P No, joke aside, you're comparing two pre-built infrastructures and I doubt you built a full base twice in different game versions to show that setDir isn't working, so this must be savegame related. This means the direction of buildings isn't saved or loaded anymore. Furthermore it could also mean that the savegame isn't compatible to the later beta anymore. ---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ---------- I think that happens when you mix different beta builds server- and client-side or even a server with 1.59 final and beta clients.
  20. You should expect, that all these engine fixes (or repro cases) will flow into A3, where applicable. I understand PhysX will make things a lot different, but the basic netcode and AI will probably be ported and adapted, so it does make sense to refine those in a final product like A2/OA, opposed to a pre-alpha stage product.
  21. Seems to be the regularCheck issue I experience. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24104 But it was already in last build, the issue. Does anyone know if the build shortly after 1.59 release had the issue (I had regularcheck off, until recently, to test)?
  22. Fireball

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84260

    I installed the latest Linux BETA DS, and still got issues with regularCheck (I take there's not much been done in that regard): http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24104
  23. I'd like to know the exact (server-side) dependencies, is it merely @ACE @ACEX or do I also need @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNavy?
  24. Yeah, I hope it gets fixed before 1.60, else there is no "don't use it" possibility anymore, seeing all the nice improvements done to AI and general stability so far. I hope for an RC soon or betas which break MP compat (along a new linux server beta build) to get the MP issues ironed out.
  25. Fireball


    Hotfixed: - "Pull Out Injured" is not displayed on every infantry unit anymore and working properly on choppers Known Issues: - You have to get fairly close to the center of Merlin to show the action - I had to increase the action display condition by 1m - this is a compromise to enable the Battlefield Clearance script to work with the UH-1Y and Merlin, but in turn you are able to pull out/load into already when you're 1m away from a jeep now. Current version: 0.81a - Fireball -------- Project Details Mission available at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/files For improvements and fixes, please see the roadmap at: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/roadmap Please feel free to post your suggestions here or, better even, file a ticket on DevHeaven in the project issue tracker.