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Everything posted by pluton88

  1. i would like to see on the next patch , a much more faster reactions . The game is not realistic enough and should improve on some point : - Like in a real combat action , adrenaline gives us speed and strengh : i can't see anything here like this. When you are in a live or death situation and you need to stand up , crouch , jump , start running, change your weapon or your magazine or before to die trying to escape ,run , jump , run , jump , run ....... There is like a latency which does not fit with the reality. Could we make something like more turbo move , burst move whatever who fit to the reality . there nothing more stupid that seeing your enemy aiming at you , while you are reloading , and not being able to do nothing else , just waiting . a good military always leaves a bullet in his gun before reloading ,in case !!! - i would like the same with the aiming and driving process . aiming is so unreal , there is a latency which does not exist with most of the weapons , if you want more realism make it like real . in the game shooting stand up , on the knees , on the ground or block on a support does the same . in the reality the ones who was in the army knows what i mean . why does i feel the same aiming with a small rifle gun and a machine gun ... - driving is like , you just got your driving license , going from one tree to the other one , can anybody try to fix this problem and make it easier . no need to be a genious to drive a car . thank you for your answer.
  2. pluton88

    Faster moves for a better simulation

    yes , Pyrodox , i do agree with you ... this possibility to cancel the action you are doing in one click and to just grab your gun faster as possible , that would be something more realistic .... we are going on the right way . Thanks Pyrodox :):):)
  3. pluton88

    Faster moves for a better simulation

    Some of you guys are very funny ....:bounce3: you are talking that there is nothing to change, that ARMA 2 is a real simulation and it is true to the real Combat Experience. So just explain me how can you enter a Heavy tank and make it start, making it fully operational in something like 1 or 2 second like in the game .how can you change from driver seat to gunner seat in 1 second . Come on let be serious .Ok i understand that having to go threw 5 to 10 minutes of starting process will be a little bit boring. How about entering and starting a helicopter or even a jetfighter , 15 to 20 minutes ??? (and i am not talking for the flying ability , how many of you guys have ever fly a A 10 jetfighter or a Harrier ??? you can see that everything is not like real and not perfect. it is not like real and it is better for the number of time we get kill , smashed and so on ... But like i said in the original post the reaction , the aiming , moving , reloading or dropping weapon of the soldier is under fire and specially in urban and town mode combat not fast enough. to be closer to the reality this power of adrenaline should last something like 4 to 5 minutes and then drop to a slower and slower moves like suggest correctly "DMarkwick". And please stop to talk always of COD , i have mention Red Orchestra which is much more better game simulation but have an old graphic engine . a new one is coming i think it is call "heroes of Stalingrad" will see.... Thanks specially "galzohar" who just explain me the tactics and strategy of a real fighting .i won't discuss on that tactic and strategy performance which is something have every good chess player and has nothing to do with real experience . probably or maybe your tactic is better than mine. But if you talking of experience , i do have some military experience and maybe or probably more than you . i had the chance to shot every single weapons(and not a single shot) that does have a french military soldier from every single PA , to 5.56 NATO rifles ,7.5mm rifles,9 mm parabellum , FRF1 and FRF2 sniper , 12.5 mm machine gun , LRAC 89mm anti.tank rockets, grenades offensive , defensive , C4 , gaz , fire at night with and without NV , in every position and in any ambiance ,chimical , biologic , etc. And believe the one who has shot at night in a stand up position after a 400 m run with a chimical mask on a moving target at only 50 meters know what it means by aiming . 20 years ago , i was Captain in the french army.
  4. pluton88

    Faster moves for a better simulation

    Sometimes i feel that there is Arma community , kind of "fanatic" who does not want to listen of any default the game has . like this game is perfect and that's all . Why are discussing ? i am not saying the game is bad . the game is very good , it is very immersive like Operation Flashpoint , but it can be improved . another thing , who bother me it is the little respect some have concerning other players from others games .like there were stupid . Call of duty 4 is a very good game in some way , graphics are good , mooves are faster the weapon system is also (i mean hardcore game) pretty correct. Red Orchestra is even better , and very realistic . My favorite. so let go and try to make arma 2 better . that's the objective of this forum , isn'it ? ps : for the one who does not understand the need to move fast or run or jump , it is because of the lack of experience you have of real combat . On the army basing , you've got different fighting tactics: countryside , mountain, town , exfiltration-infiltration , rens-information, night , enemy territory , friendly territory, etc ... in conflict more than 85 % of death casualties are in town fight , close distance , and density of fighters .