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10 Good

About Spellbot5000

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  1. Here's another vote for an update to your mod. I tried replacing the config.bin in your bin.pbo file with the one from the official bin.pbo, but while it worked in 1.2, doing so in 1.3 just causes a crash on starting up the game.
  2. Oh no, MY IMMERSION! A cross shape on the screen has destroyed my otherwise entirely realistic simulation of war that consists of me staring into a monitor in the comfort of my home!
  3. Are the light cones emitted from things like street lamps and headlights as low-res for everyone else as they are for me? They all have a very pronounced stair-step effect in their colour and transparency gradiant, as seen below. It's little harder to see on the headlights, but the first pic is quite obvious. It's not like I'm running in 16-bit mode or anything, and I've tried messing around with all the graphics settings to no effect. Everything else in the game looks fine, just this bit. So is this just "how it is" in the game? Oh, and running a Radeon 4890 with Cat 9.6's if that means anything.