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About Revencher

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  1. currentWeapon player == "LaserDesignator" doesnt seam to work.
  2. Any 1 tell me the code for having a laser designator equipped? i also cant seam to get rocket launchers loaded?
  3. Revencher

    3 Hud items overlaping

    That got it thx a lot
  4. I installed the Dev version and ever since then I have had 3 hud items overlapping in the upper left that i cant move in layout config. The items are a copy of my weapon and stance info from the right side, squad info and scroll menu. I get it even when I'm not running any mods. PS Just noticed all hud info is being moved to upper left corner.
  5. Phoenix Private Security We are a new Arma Squad but most of us have been playing the Arma since Arma 2 or earlier. We are focused on missions that require us to act as an actual infantry unit without the hierarchy outside of missions. We are also interested in doing coop and PvP missions with other squads. We have a fair number of actual military personal, I personally have 13 years in the infantry, 7 in a line platoon and 6 in a battalion TOC (Tactical Operations Command). We only uses ranks to signify training level and people who go above and beyond to help keep the squad stay active and fun. Such as recruiters, administrative, mission writers and diplomatic personnel. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in command meetings. Also our leadership will be elected by members of the unit. Our training will mainly take place during mission and leadership of missions will be rotated along with all other positions based on training level of each individual. This means if you can prove you are a competent at a job you want to do it you will get the chance do the job, if you aren’t we will train you to be. We are on just about every day on TRG server from 4-9pm Est. We use TRG TS3: voice.trggaming.net:3346. No mods are needed to play on server but we do use some mods. Current mods are: CBA_A3, JS_JC_FA18, NATO, POMI_PMC, Sthud, Tmr. You must be 18 years old to join. We do not tolerate bullying, cheating, hacks or being a dick, we are here to have fun! If you would like to check out our squad please stop by.
  6. Phoenix Privet Security We are a new Arma Squad but most of us have been playing the Arma since Arma 2 or earlier. We are focused on missions that require us to act as an actual infantry unit without the hierarchy outside of missions. We are also interested in doing coop and PvP missions with other squads. We have a fair number of actual military personal, I personally have 13 years in the infantry, 7 in a line platoon and 6 in a battalion TOC (Tactical Operations Command). We only uses ranks to signify training level and people who go above and beyond to help keep the squad stay active and fun. Such as recruiters, administrative, mission writers and diplomatic personnel. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in command meetings. Also our leadership will be elected by members of the unit. Our training will mainly take place during mission and leadership of missions will be rotated along with all other positions based on training level of each individual. This means if you can prove you are a competent at a job you want to do it you will get the chance do the job, if you aren’t we will train you to be. We are on just about every day on TRG server from 4-9pm Est. We use TRG TS3: voice.trggaming.net:3346. No mods are needed to play on server but we do use some mods. Current mods are: CBA_A3, JS_JC_FA18, NATO, POMI_PMC, Sthud, Tmr. You must be 18 years old to join. We do not tolerate bullying, cheating, hacks or being a dick, we are here to have fun! If you would like to check out our squad please stop by. Revencher2@yahoo.com
  7. First plz excuse my spelling im very dislexic. I am a big fan of the games u all have put out sence OF but there r some things that if changed whould real improve the game and make it a lot more like real life. such as how a real sqd. set up and is armed and how they react to things. for 1 Infasntry dont cary Stingers ADA units do and the dont tend to patrol the have set points that they r stationed. I have 13 years in the US Army Infantry and would love to help u make the game or anything dealing with the US Army as real as can be. So if there is anything i can do plz let me know
  8. My screen is so blury it looks like i need glasses and objects render very basic untill they get close. its so bad i cant play
  9. every thing so blury its like i need glasses. and objects arent rendering realy basic untill they get close