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Posts posted by stuart_1981

  1. As I've said in some of my other posts, there is only a single unifying factor in this whole issue - Arma 2 itself.

    There is such a diverse set of hardware specs being listed here (even different manufacturers) that it is clear that peoples rigs are not what is at fault. Keanez's work around has helped me play the game with a bit more stability but problems still occur on open ended missions such as Razor 2 and Manhattan.

    I agree with the post here that said that the posts are dying out on here simply because BIS are not listening. Think about it, Arma 1 was out for 3 years or so and they never fixed it properly. There were beta patches being released for it 2 years after it was released!

    BIS are not worried about us individual customers. Not when they have the likes of the USMC and UK armed forces buying VBS2. Arma 2 is simply a beta which We buy, moan about the bugs then BIS take the feedback and create a working game called VBS3...

  2. Is it true that lesser systems/shittier rigs actually run this game better than the high end stuff?

    No, same bugs regardless of OS/rigs. Its just shitty code although you'll get all sorts of unhelpfull comments trying to blame it on your rig - "Have you checked the third screw from the left fan on the upper half of your mobo etc etc etc".

    What annoys me even more is that BIS seem to be doing FUCK ALL to help. They seem happy that we've all shelled out cash for ANOTHER game that DOENST WORK.

    Its getting on my tits.

  3. I think there's a lot of different causes of crashes in this thread, the cannot commit one sounds like a write problem.

    Not sure if arma has trouble writing to certain drives or maybe it has a problem addressing memory or writing to a disk under certain permission settings.

    Anyone tried running it under a different o/s?

    Now you could be on to something here. I have arma 2 installed on an E: partition...

  4. When you consider it, new people with problems are attracted to forums to try and resolve their issues. As a result it might appear that there a lot of people complaining about the same thing, so that cant be hardware. Infact its more likely to be the oposite. Lots of people with dodgy memory (there must be hundreds of them) have brought the game, and are desperate to to find out why. If for example 15% of senior forum members have this issue, then you might be on to something. My guess is that the majority of people reporting screen freezes are new forum members.

    On principle you have a good point here Balgorg and normally I would agree totally because what you say makes some sense and I also see that exact thing on other forums, not just with games but also with business software. I can assure you that in my personal case it is 100% NOT hardware.

    For all senior members and BIS staff I agree with russianguy, Im not trying to build hate for the game, it is absolutely awesome from the missions I've played. Im just PO that we YET AGAIN have an unfinished game going to release with NO consideration for the gamers and their money. I really really believe that if this game gets fixed it will OWN OFP2. My worry is that codies are sitting rubbing their hands pissing themselves with laughter at BIS for this shoddy release. I would rather have waited another 6 months for a game thats done than get the release we did. Sorry again BIS but this just sucks.

    Anyway, CTD's aside, NO-ONE can argue that the campaign works as it should. Buggy spotting AI where your team mates spot enemy behind hills and buildings as if they are psychic! A "dynamic speech system" which, lets face it, would be outdated on a 2000 PS2 rpg... What it does have is AWESOME gfx, AWESOME combat, AWESOME vehicles, AWESOME depth. IT JUST NEEDS FINISHED AND TESTED PROPERLY!!!!!

    @ Bulldog - What mobo you using mate? Been looking into the heating/core overwhelm you had quoted from the other thread (once again thanks). Yes I am getting some odd CPU balancing but its not geting to the levels that other guy was talking about. Also rigged up a cpuple more 100mm fans and set them up in a cyclic config which has decreased CPU and my geforce temps by about 4 deg. Loaded up Arma 2 and I will say that performance is noticably better but still geting save crashes with the "cannot commit" message.

    Feel like crying because I cant shoot enough chedaki!!!!!!!!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!! :D

    ---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

    ** EDIT TO ADD **

    I just noticed this as I havent really messed about with the editor or scenarios but the crashes are MUCH less frequent in these modes. The editor hasnt crashed yet after 90mins of play.

  5. Aiight, I got a crash but my CPU temps started dropping and were reading 50 C at time of crash.... I'm lost, damn alien technology.

    AHHHH!!!! It will only get worse from here on in....

    Was it a clean CTD or did you get the "cannot commit" message?

    ---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

    Just spotted this on the BIS "Arma 2 expectaions page" -

    Dual core / multi core optimizations

    The advent of multiple cores means a real challenge for any developer. We identify this as one of the main possible areas to achieve a higher frame rate in our engine but we also know this is not going to be a walk in the park.

    The switch to dual / multi core technology is a very big change, hardly comparable to anything computers have gone through during the last ten years. While some parallel technologies were already developed even some 30 years ago, it never became part of mainstream practice and the whole development chain is completely unprepared for it (including programmers education). Still, we are confident ArmA 2 will be able to bring significant improvement in this area. We are aiming for a mix of fine-grained and coarse-grained parallelism, similar to the way most other game developers seem to do. What we would like to see is better frame rate, smarter AI, and more units, however it is too soon to be able to really promise anything in this respect until the technology is implemented and well tested.

    Note the last line... missed on both accounts then BIS eh? Now thats good development eh? Not really a good excuse either as multi processor tech (2 CPU's on the mobo not multicore) have been arround for at least 5-6 years and multicore has been around since before Arma 1 was out.


    On a serious note, if bulldogs quoted post is correct and this turns out to be bad multicore utilisation it just shows how bad development was. Can BIS seriously say this never came up in testing??? Were the test rigs single core even though min specs say (and I quote from the UK retail case here) "CPU: Dual Core Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, Intel Core 2.0 GHz, AMD Athlon 3200+ or faster". I really dont get whats going on at BIS.

    Maruk, Im sorry for being so hard on BIS but I am just so damned annoyed about this. I have been a faithful defender of the BIS wargames since OFP ver1. I just want you guys to really pull something special out of the bag instead of a constant stream of near misses.

  6. I'm running;

    E7300 (not-OC)

    9800GT (not-OC)

    4GB ram (2x2GB Gingle)

    X-Fi XtremeGamer Sound card

    10 different hard drivers (Sata/IDE)

    OS (tested Arma on) : Win 7 32bit, Vista 32bit (sp1), (tested on Win7 64 bit and game wouldn't start at all)

    Gonna test it on XP Sp3 soon, and Vista Sp2.

    My system is almost identical bar the SC and an older slower processor (E6750) and I've only 4 HDD's. Im running vista 32 sp1 also.

    Here's a post from another thread from a user that was suffering the same problem. I hope it helps

    Will check this out as I did notice one or two CPU heat spikes that I had wrote off as coincidence. With 10 HDD's how do you keep that beast cool?? :eek:

    Thanks for the info by the way, you've been very helpful and I really appreciate you taking the time to help man.

  7. Bulldog, what rig are you running out of interest and what windows ver? Just want to compare HW/OS with a system without crashes.

    On a more general note, I tend to agree with the post above. I just cant accept that this is a HW specific issue unless we all find out that there is a common hardware device or driver issue etc between all the users suffering CTD's. Also, its not like this is without precedent - Arma ver1.0 anyone???? ;)

  8. It's an annoying issue for sure and I hope it's fixed soon for you guys but I wouldn't go too hard on bis for it, every game gets these problems shortly after release, unfortunately you guys were the ones who got the short end of the stick this time. I hope it gets fixed soon for you lot.

    Thanks dude, I do too. From what I've played its an AWESOME game, just nigh on unplayable in its current state.

    Bulldog, I take it you get no CTD's at all? Even on the Manhattan mission?

    ** edit - just installed the 1.02 patch and the game crashes are even bloody worse now! WTF!!!! **

  9. @ bulldogs -

    All sound and exellent advice. The only problem is that I havent got ANY issues with all my other games. Only arma 2 emplying that its not hardware. For me at least. Im an MCSA and work for one of Irelands top IT firms and I cant find any other issues bar buggy software.

    Sorry man, Im not angry at anyone in particular its just that having wated 2 years for Arma 2 I expected a finished game, not a buggy beta.

  10. Agree with all the comments.

    BIS have really ballsed this up. Why release a game that they know DOESNT WORK. I used to be a software tester for a UK company and if I had allowed a program to go to release with this amount of trouble I'd have been fired. Simple.

    BIS, if you are listening. Guys you really need to fix this without blaming the users systems. Ok systems need to meet minimum specs but having read a few CTD threads it is abundantly clear that the problem is Arma 2 having more code problems than a beta release. You got away with it in Arma 1 beacuse people had faith in you after the Codemasters split.

    The fact you have done it again with a game you have supposedly "Been developing for 10 years" is simply piss poor program management and bad coding. Also, you should fire all your testers, they obviously cant do their jobs.

    Rant over - A very dissapointed OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 fan.

  11. I bought the game retail and occasionally get the blurry bug too. hitting esc x 2 normally sorts it out but its bloody annoying.

    Such a buggy game and it annoys me when users start going "its your system!" It doesnt take a theoretical physisist to see that most of the people posting problems have totally different system specs therefore the problem is Arma2. Simple.
