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Posts posted by Rochmel

  1. It seems to be very random. Sometimes you'll have very good air support and sometimes the timing isn't there. I guess it's just like real life. And the scattered troops also seems random. Sometimes after leaving the beach you'll never see anyone again and you'll arrive at the airport as a lone wolf while other times everyone moves as one big group straight to the airport.

    I noticed something a few times in this mission and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen it:

    There's a Soldier on the apron of the deck just past the Helicopter that you're going to get on that just falls over sometimes. Sometimes he'll just slide through the deck and disappear and sometimes he just lays there.

    Has anyone else ever seen this?

    One other thing:

    Sometimes after being dropped off at the beach I'll receive a '<number> is down' message and look over and find someone dead on the beach. I've always thought that the helicopter hits the guy when it's taking off but I'm not really sure.

    Has anyone ever had someone die on the beach like that?

    I've played the mission a number of times always on Regular and once I've seen the guy by the helicopter fall over and lie on the deck

  2. Don't know about the setting of waypoints but with regards to the helicopter; If you've summoned it key predd 0 8 1), when you climb on board the pilot will ask you where you want to go. Just open up the map and left click on the desired location. If you're already en route press 0 8 1 and again the pilot will ask where you want to go. Incidentally I find that I can't alter the scale of the map when I open it once in the helicopter so I make sure it is at the right scale before I climb on board.

  3. I notice on the web site that there is going to be a series of Developer Diaries walking through various command issues. The first one on basic commands I found very useful but where are the others? That one was posted on 1 July. Can't we have them all now? At this rate I'll be playing Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising long before I've grasped the ability to control my squad!

  4. When I read the previews of Arma 2 and Dragon Rising it was the latter that excited me. I wonder if BI brought the release date forward so there would be no competition? Like everyone I am frustrated by the game and the comments - I'm only on the second mission and it looks like there's little point in continuing and I don't think I've actually shot anyone yet (my squad seem to identify and dispatch them before I even see where they are).

    However all that said I do have a game to noodle around with whilst waiting for Dragon Rising and I guess that's better than nothing!
