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Everything posted by ShaiCZ

  1. Sadly, there is no notable improvement in loading textures. Only improvement I have been able to achieve is described in my thread in Troubleshooting. However, when I change VM from Very high to any other, let alone other settings, everything goes to hell and textures pop up slow as never.
  2. I still have it, damn it. Not as bad as it used to be in 1.03, but still there. Worst is with post-processing ON.
  3. I agree. E.g. I have no idea what this mouse lag issue really is - never had a problem with it. On the other hand, I have suffered from serious performance issues (especially texture-related) from v1.01. Hopefully, BIS can get their hands on the issues just as they did with mouse smoothing.
  4. I downloaded the 946 beta and after some extensive gameplay couldnt help but notice a decrease in performance. While with the previous beta patches and a bit of tunning I managed to get rid of most of the slow-loading textures, silver heads and flickering + the game would run smoothly, with 946 the issues seem to be BACK!! And things go even worse when I turn ON the post-processing - the loading of textures slows down even more (while I guess it should have been the other way round). Come one BIS, whatever you did in between say 834 and 946, make it back pls! HD 4850 1GB Vapor-X 3GB Ram WinXP
  5. Got an annoying bug in Manhattan. Whenever I am in a village (any village) I am hearing radio broadcasting about the terrorist attack in Moscow. In one of the villages, it even echoed like 10times, as if from every single house! Moreover, the broadcasting fails to reflect any rules of how sound should travel in space - thus, I can hear the radio even ca 200 metres from the village. Also, as regards AI, it happens to me quite often that when dismounting a chopper, at least one of my team members gets injured or killed by the chopper. Last time, as soon as I dismounted, I got smashed by the machine!!! Fix it pls! And finally: whenever Iam talking to Starforce (or Shaftoe) or whenever Maddox is talking to me, I CANNOT give any orders only until the speach is over. Needs to be fixed.
  6. BTW, when the house blows up, Cooper says there was a guy running from the scene and Shaftoe orders me to get him. Problem is Ive never seen a guy running in any one direction...:o) Any ideas?
  7. I still get the bug when I mount a chopper (UH-1 with Maddox), the minigun has a fire coming out of its barrel even though nobodys shooting it. Only when I really shoot the minigun, the texture dissappears.
  8. Speaking of vegetation, I have my viewdistance set to ca 2000, details high, shadows high. All fine, except that in forests, low vegetation seems to be "growing" below my feet as I am going. While all the other objects can be seen from the above stated distance, these goddamned grasses and small bushes are appearing right infront of me. Not that it is gamebreaking but still...:o)
  9. Can anyone recommend a software for measuring FPS in Arma2? Id like to try it but have no experience whatsoever...:o) I am especially keen on measuring it with the beta patches. Thx!
  10. Hey, since weekend, Ive been having difficulties loading the Arma2 website. It takes quite a lot of time to upload the initial screen (where you select your age) and then the main page. From there on, its fine. Bisedes that, I have no problems with the Internet connection. Its just the Arma2 website. Any ideas?
  11. Anyhow, can anyone confirm significant performance improvements? There was a guy earlier in the thread who claimed to identify better CPU usage, but what about you others? Anyone running the game through some analysis programme?
  12. New beta patch is out;o) However, I cant seem to open the changelog...?:o( EDIT: Its OK now, I managed:o)
  13. In the Manhattan mission, when hunting for the rebel camps in the two red areas, at one point, a radio (?) starts broadcasting as if into my headphones. A russian vioce seems to be reading news of the day (only thing I understand of the speech is "NAPA"). The broadcast goes on and on, wherever I go, whatever I do. Pretty annoying...A bug? Another one, reported many times before with 1.03: although the commanding officer in the Manhattan base promises me artillery support for all the time, I could only use it once and than in disappeared.
  14. First and foremost, the following may or may not be good to all, yet the results are so fo me good I feel like making it a new thread. If you feel so (admins) move the topic to a more relevant thread. My specifications: WinXP 32-bit SEAGATE Barracuda 7200.10 250GB SATA II NCQ 16MB cache, 7200ot Sapphire HD 4850 1GB DDR3 (1986MHz), 256bit, Vapor-X AMD Dual-Core Athlon A64 X2 5200+EE (65W) 64-bit Windsor BOX 3GB DDR2 800MHz PC6400 A.DATA Extreme Edition CoolerMaster Elite 330, ATX ASUS M2A-VM HDMI, AMD 690G/ATI SB600, DualChannel DDR2 800, VGA + PCIe x16 Game version: - patched to 1.03 - latest beta patch ´599 My issues: - very slow loading textures - flickering of textures - silver heads - other graphical issues HOW TO RESOLVE THE ISSUES: 1) Apply ATI drivers 9.8 2) In CCC, set "use application settings" wherever possible 3) In BIOS, Maximum Payload Size set to "1024" (previously 4096 for me) 4) Delete the .cfg file and DO NOT temper with it (before, I used to rewrite the values) 5) In the game, set Video mem. = Very High 6) All other settings to High 7) Post-processing = Small, Texture Detail = High, Filtering = Normal, Shadows = Normal 8) View Distance = 2040 Before that, the game was totally unplayable, even after upgrading GPU (from x1950 to 4850). Now, I have no graphical bugs that would jeopardize the game experience AND AFTER TWO MONTHS, I can enjoy the game! NOTE: I have no idea which of the above mentioned steps is the one to do the trick or wheater its a magic combination of more, nor am I sure about its sequence. Truth be told, changing this setting results in the mentioned issues again.
  15. Hey, I found this value in BIOS under PCI(...) folder. Being an IT noob, I found only 2 values expressed in numbers in BIOS - RAM memory (where the number value in BIOS agreed with what I actually have) and the Payload value (where I had no idea about its meaning, so I changed it:o). Now, the 4096 previously set in BIOS correspond to "virtual memory" option in WinXP (also 4096 for me). A question for IT specialists here - Is MAXIMUM PAYLOAD SIZE (controlled in BIOS) the same as VIRTUAL MEMORY (controlled via System in WinXP)? Or, Is there any other way to control Maximum Payload Size, except via BIOS? ---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 AM ---------- Thats possible, m8. Try experimenting a bit with the setting. Seeing you have half the memory that I have, I would try High or Normal for you, nothing less. Definitely not "Default" as I have the WORST results with it (artifacts like hell, silver heads, etc.).
  16. I am happy I could help and thanks for confirming. After two months of desperate tweaking and trying, when success finally came and bugs disappeared, I wasnt sure wheater I wasnt dreaming:o))) Hopefully, BIS will read this post and be able to figure out which of the suggested is the key. PS: thx ohara;)
  17. ShaiCZ

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    One of the better known Czech gaming webs released a preview of the Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, based on their first-hand experience with the game. The conclusion after the preview version is clear: it is going to be a typical FPS, near-Rambo-style, and galaxies far away from the original game. At least, there is not going to be an issue for us wheater to go for OPFDR, or stick with A2...:o) Link (Czech only):http://www.doupe.cz/Doupecz/Dojmy-Operation-Flashpoint-Dragon-Rising--nelitostny-souboj/Ve-stinu-draka/sc-108-sr-1-a-135333-ch-129181/default.aspx
  18. No, I am not the centre of the world, I am just one of thousands and thousands reporting the same issues on this and other forums, one of many with a magic combo (...) that allows me to play all the other games smoothly, except for A2...;o)
  19. Its official, new beta, ABSOLUTLY no improvement in performance, still terrible texture loading issues, flickering and all that kind of hell thats been making the game unplayable ever since I bought it TWO (2) months ago! Can you, BIS, at least confirm wheater or not this issues is being looked into? Or am I just wasting my time testing these beta patches for the only major issue they are addressing is the mouse lag, which, as I stated earlier, I have never experienced???
  20. Dowloading the new beta now. Its bigger as regards Mb this time, so my hopes for improving the texture loading problem are high:o)) Will report later.
  21. Hehehe...I dont wanna to play on other islands as long as the original one is unplayable. Understand, I dont have a completely shitty system (ATI 4850 1GB, 3GB Ram, Athlon Dual 2600+) and all the other games run pretty well so there is no reason A2 should not do the same...;o) Besides, zillions of other people seem to have the same issues. And finally, I dont believe that until they fix the issues with Chernarus, they are able to release other content without the very same problems...(cus I assume you are reffering to the Arrowhead and content by the community?)...;o)
  22. I am not sure thats the way to correct it. I have already done a complete defrag and the problem persists...Also, I really dont have these problems with any other game from Crysis to Oblivion. I dont believe installing one tiny patch at a time would mess up with the HDD so bad to cause such problems. Anyhow, never say never to a good advice, so can you recommend a good (and FREE:o) degraf tool? I know there have been many such recommended in other threads but as long as we are talking about it...?
  23. I dont think youre doing something wrong - its the game:o) I have suffered from slow loading textures from the very beginning, although my impression of the first beta patch build was that the issue had been worked on and was better. However, with the latest build, all the issues are back (slow loading textures, silver heads, flickering). BIS really needs to do something about it. Its nice they pay so much attention to mouse lags (which I have never experienced myself) but they should work at least as hard on improving the performance...over and out.