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Mack Jack Bill

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About Mack Jack Bill

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  1. Mack Jack Bill

    Thank you and congratulations Bohemia Interactive.

    Steady on, old thing! Where else does one rant if not computer game websites! That's what they're for, what what! The times suit me!
  2. Mack Jack Bill

    ArmA II Game Of The Year Nomination?

    Any game with this much sausage and every 4/5th female a hooker or a housewife deserves to win GOTY! I vote YES!
  3. I wish to offer BIS my sincerest thanks for the creation and release of this next chapter in its most esteemed line of war simulations. Especially, I would like to congratulate you on your decision to stand strong against the politically correct liberal chattering classes and their namby pamby notions of gender inclusion. Prior to the game's release, I was enthusiastically reading information posted on various gaming sites and perusing these forums, eagerly devouring any new scraps of information forthcoming. I had learned, to my relief, that the possibility of playing as anything other than a male American marine in the campaign would be unlikely. Clearly, women have no role on the battlefield - or in the military at large, even in a support role. Remember Jessica Lynch? Give a woman a task (one that involves driving, at that! rofl!) and the first thing she does is get herself herself captured, forcing a massive waste of energy and resources in sending some of the best trained men in that G-d forsaken dustbowl to rescue her scrawny ass! Anyway, I digress. I must also commend your bravery in not only excluding women from G-d fearing American forces, but also from those G-dless commie Russians and their pinko insurrectionist allies and even from the rag-tag volunteer guerrilla forces! When I read that your wonderfully comprehensive level editor would allow people to play as cows, however, I was momentarily vexed. If playing as a cad-chewing, dull-eyed bovine were possible, surely that would mean some sort of female combatant would be included in the package? After purchasing my very own copy of the game my very first action was to check the editor and, to my sublime relief, it appeared the only playable (actually, I'm not sure if it's even playable - I might have to check again! Fingers crossed!) women would be hapless unarmed civilians! Not only that, but BIS had thoughtfully limited even those choices! With awestruck admiration for BIS' innovation, I noted that among these choices were: Damsel, Madame and Housewife! At last, one might live out one's fantasy of the world as G-d intended. Not even a broad-bottomed policewoman to be seen, and even getting their chubby derriers into a vehicle requires tweaking aplenty. Something I've always admired about Saudi Wahabiism. And yes, I did note the availability of a 'priest' civilian for the men, but not for the women! Ha ha! Take that, Boston Diocese! Inevitably of course, I'm sure there will be mods and skins a-plenty to sully the purity of this title. What individuals choose to do is up to them, of course, and at least BIS was not cowed by any alleged market forces. Everyone knows chicks don't use computers, let alone play games! Yours faithfully, Mack.