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About Galvetus

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  1. Galvetus

    Screen Gets Black

    Maiby the problem is the latest DirectX update. After reinstalling Vista i diden't update DirectX, and played Fllen Earth without problems. Today just after i updated it crashes the same way as Arma does. Too bad i diden't try Arma, but i diden't think about it until now. Can anyone try and see if this works? I have reinstalled Vista 2 days in a row, don't want a 3rd one.
  2. Galvetus

    Screen Gets Black

    Still the same problem after reinstalling vista. This sucks... Really want to play this game.
  3. Galvetus

    Screen Gets Black

    I see i'm not alone with this problem. Let's hope someone can help us soon. I am reinstalling vista tomorrow anyways, maiby that will fix it. But it's strange as i'm not having any problems playing other games.
  4. Galvetus

    Screen Gets Black

    I have removed an reinstalled the driver as well as the demo, but it still happens. This is annoying as hell... It can't be heat problems as i am playing other games just fine.
  5. Hi. I hope you can help me with this issue. I try to play the demo, and after a few sec the screen gets black, i can still hear sounds and play but i don't see anything. Then i have to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to get out of it every time, so annoying. Then i get a message on the desktop saying that the display driver stopped working. This has only happend in singleplayer boot camp training, multiplayer has worked fine except i can't play more than a few sec then it says connection problems. Is this just bugs, or my pc? My display driver is NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT, and latest update 10/06/2009, with DirectX 10. Can you help me?