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Everything posted by -RS-Wedge

  1. I about had a coronary when I looked in my email today...I thought someone had all my CC info and was racking up charges!
  2. -RS-Wedge


    I have the DVD versions of Arma 2 and OA. I have not played in quite awhile. Last night I tried to run the game and I'm getting the "Bad serial number setup" error. I did a search on the internet and the only thing that comes back is this error happens on the Steam version of the game. I couldn't find the retail version solution to this error. I tried running the game in admin mode but still no go. Did anyone else come across this issue with the non steam version? What would you do? Re-install Arma 2/OA downloading from steam and install using the DVD keys? or Re-install the DVD retail version and update manually?
  3. -RS-Wedge


    I have reinstalled the following: 1. Arma 2 2. OA 3. BAF (I do not have PMC) Now I am confused about what patch or patches to download.
  4. -RS-Wedge

    Editor ?

    How do I add in smoke? How do I get a nonplayable AI Blufor soldier to sit/stay put?
  5. -RS-Wedge

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    I figured it out after a mission restart. So I was able to progress the campaign further. My BC experience and Walkthrough: 1. Mission Beginning: As soon as I was able to take control of my squad I had them jump into the Hummvv and we drove directly to the house which was marked on the map. 2. I jumped out of the Hummvv, entered the house, and found the documents laying on a small table in the room on the left. "Find Evidence" and "Secure Documents" objectives. 3. I then planted the satchel charge in the room, then jumped back into the Hummvv. 4. As we drove away I blew the charge. "Destroy house" objective. 5. I then drove directly to the forest/hill opposite the FOB and slowly proceeded down the hill until I was able to take on the enemy forces (safe distance with a height advantage) at the check point leading up to the FOB. 6. After the check point was taken out I then proceeded up the hill to the FOB. A cut scene appears and the "Inspect FOB" objective is accomplished. 7. After the cut scene I then called for a helo for extraction (dont try to proceed by foot or Hummvv you will be taken out along the way by a rogue RPG). 8. After take off and well under way my helo was then taken down by a SAM. Cut scene. 9. I then had to proceed by foot in the dark to the NAPA HQ. Using stealth the whole way I made it to NAPA. Cut scene. 10. I then had to be transported by NAPA by truck which was escorted by a technical. 11. Soon the technical was taken out and I proceeded by foot to the secondary rally point. Cut scene. Side note: At some point in the FOB inspection I was asked if Razor would side with NAPA or CDF. I chose NAPA because I helped the priest by not reporting the weapons.
  6. -RS-Wedge

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    So I should restart the mission and when I reach the FOB I should sit and wait for NAPA to show up in a red hatchback instead of trying to go south by myself?
  7. -RS-Wedge

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Here is where I am at with this mission. I have completed all the available tasks EXCEPT for making it down south to the assembly area (as you can see by my screen shot.) Every time I proceed further south, north, east, west I get taken out by the "invisible RPG". Any suggestions?
  8. I restarted the entire mission and I am in the process of completing it step by step as you posted above. Something strange happened when I dropped off the female informant at the LZ. Right after I destroyed the 2 armed UAZ's I got the message that the Weapon Smugglers (gunrunners) were taken out and I completed this task as well. Side note: Those 2 UAZ's come from a camp just east of the LZ right along the forest line.
  9. Is it possible to repair vehicles in the campaign? If so how?
  10. I searched all body's - no dice. I went ahead and restarted Manhattan. I will follow your walkthrough step by step. Thanks for putting this together and this thread should be "stickied".
  11. Here is where I am in Manhatten and I am stuck. I have 3 objective left: 1. #8 above Gunrunners (Weapons Smugglers) - I cannot find this white covered pickup I have driven through and around Gvozdno even heading south along the road towards the Base Camp. 2. #15 above Find Evidence - The main base/camp has been destroyed. Everytime I try to assign a squad member to search bodies there is no "search body" it is just "HIDE BODY". That's it. How do I search bodies myself? 3. Insurgent Leader - I looked all over Kransnostav with no luck.
  12. -RS-Wedge

    Trial By Fire

    I would like to play as the squad leader in this mission instead of the heavy gunner. How do I set this up? Thanks for any help.
  13. -RS-Wedge

    Trial By Fire

    I was able to play as the squad leader, but it was lone wolf due to the fact I am unable to control my squad. Basically we fly to the island and my squad refuses to disembark even after ordering them to. The only way they disembark is if I go down.
  14. -RS-Wedge

    Double-Click not working

    1. I loaded Arma II without the TrackIR running. 2. I opened the Editor and the double clicking WORKED. 3. I exited the Editor and shut down Arma II. 4. I then started the TrackIR and loaded Arma II. 5. I went into the Editor and the double clicking WORKED with TrackIR running. Now I am totally confused.
  15. -RS-Wedge

    Cool Moments in Arma 2

    LOL! This is sad, but true. I still cannot get double click to work in the editor :mad:
  16. -RS-Wedge

    Double-Click not working

    I have Track IR 5 and I think I had that running while in the Editor. I tried rebooting, but never exited out of TrackIR. I will have to see if that is the problem when I get home from work. I will load Arma II/Editor without starting up the TrackIR.
  17. -RS-Wedge

    Double-Click not working

    My main concern is that I cannot use the Editor. Is there a work around for the Editor? In stead of having a double left mouse click one could use the space bar or another key to bring up the options window?
  18. -RS-Wedge

    Double-Click not working

    I have the boxed DVD UK version and I have the "double click not working" issue also. Any fix for this?