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Everything posted by Brute

  1. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    ...any ideas?
  2. Brute

    Vehicle drop from C130

    Just about to, i will report back when i have :) ---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ---------- It worked perfectly, thanks mate. If anyone needs to drop multiple things the script i posted above works perfectly :)
  3. Brute

    Vehicle drop from C130

    Could you please have a quick look through this script and tell me if its all correct? Code to activate: nul=[position,"classname0","classname1","classname2",dir] execVM "dropspawn.sqf"; Script file: dropspawn.sqf _pos = _this select 0; _spawntype0 = _this select 1; _spawntype1 = _this select 2; _spawntype2 = _this select 3; _dir = _this select 4; _airtype = "C130J"; _type = "GUE_Soldier_Pilot"; mygroup = creategroup side player; _target = createVehicle ["testsphere2",[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,-10], [], 0, "FLY"]; _target setpos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,200]; _target setDir _dir; _vdir = vectorDir _target; _target setpos [(_pos select 0) + (_vdir select 0) * 26, (_pos select 1) + (_vdir select 1) * 26,200]; _apos = getposasl _target; _npos = [(_pos select 0) + (_vdir select 0) * -1500, (_pos select 1) + (_vdir select 1) * -1500, 300]; _vehicle = createVehicle [_airtype,_npos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _vehicle setpos _npos; _vehicle setDir _dir; _vehicle setvelocity [(_vdir select 0)*50,(_vdir select 1)*50, 5]; _type createUnit [_npos, mygroup,"pilot=this;"]; _pilot = pilot; _pilot moveindriver _vehicle; _pilot reveal _target; _pilot doMove _npos; _pilot dotarget _target; _pilot dowatch _target; _pilot FlyInHeight 400; _vehicle FlyInHeight 400; while {_vehicle distance _target > 40} do { sleep 0.5; if(_vehicle distance _target < 600) then { _pilot FlyInHeight 400; _pilot doMove _npos; }; }; _bpos = _vehicle ModelToWorld [0,-12,-5.5]; _bomb = _spawntype0 createVehicle _bpos; _bomb setpos _bpos; _bomb setDir direction _vehicle; _chute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle getpos _bomb; _chute setpos (_bomb ModelToWorld [0,0,3]); _bomb attachTo [_chute,[0,0,2.3]]; sleep 2; _bpos = _vehicle ModelToWorld [0,-12,-5.5]; _bomb = _spawntype1 createVehicle _bpos; _bomb setpos _bpos; _bomb setDir direction _vehicle; _chute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle getpos _bomb; _chute setpos (_bomb ModelToWorld [0,0,3]); _bomb attachTo [_chute,[0,0,2.3]]; sleep 2; _bpos = _vehicle ModelToWorld [0,-12,-5.5]; _bomb = _spawntype2 createVehicle _bpos; _bomb setpos _bpos; _bomb setDir direction _vehicle; _chute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle getpos _bomb; _chute setpos (_bomb ModelToWorld [0,0,3]); _bomb attachTo [_chute,[0,0,2.3]]; deletevehicle _target; sleep 0.05; _plane FlyInHeight 250; sleep 1; _plane FlyInHeight 450; _pilot doMove [(_pos select 0) + (_vdir select 0) * 800, (_pos select 1) + (_vdir select 1) * 800, 500]; sleep 15; deletevehicle _vehicle; deletevehicle _pilot;
  4. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    The artillery barrage completes and then the request artillery option disappears from the communications menu and does not return (well at least it didnt for the 5min i waited)
  5. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    Its working perfectly now however it only seems to allow for one artillery barrage? If there any way to increase this number or make it unlimited?
  6. Brute

    Vehicle drop from C130

    I am planning on using this script to drop supplies to a smll village, since you are using it for the same thing Uzii could you please tell me what Z axis value you are using? Also if i wanted to adjust the script to drop multiple supply crates how would i go about doing this?
  7. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    Ah, silly mistakes :p Thanks a lot
  8. Brute

    Easy artillery??

  9. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    It is. I have created an SOM module and named it SOM and then synced it to my player and added the above code to my init.sqf file.
  10. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    Please read my above edit
  11. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    If i am correct then this code will cause the player to have artillery support for the entire game? I have tried what you have suggested and it doesnt seem to work :( The SOM is definitely loaded however i do not have access to the artillery support feature
  12. Thats what i have already done mate
  13. Sorry i dont really understand what you are asking me to do exactly? The units are currently next to the heli in the editor?
  14. Thats not really an option, the helis are out at sea transporting troops to a village.
  15. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    Thats not exactly convenient, when i first asked if the artillery barrage could be requested through the main communication menu i meant without having to select Alpha on the map radio.
  16. I have tried that in both the MH-60S's initialization field and the players however no matter what cargo index i enter it doesnt change my position in the heli
  17. At the beginning of a mission when troops are being inserted via MH-60Ss i want an AV-8B to bomb a radio tower and then fly away and delete itself. I dont want the bomb run to be in any way dynamic, it should require no user input what so ever. Could anyone help please?
  18. Damn coding :p Is there a greater yeild bomb that the AV-8B carries that I could use?
  19. Brute

    Vehicle drop from C130

    To activate this script would i place a trigger with the code posted above nul=[position,"classname",dir] execVM "dropspawn.sqf"; however what parameters should i use for the classname and dir (obviously for the position i can just use a marker or game logic location)?
  20. Thats stupidly over complicated for something as simple as, if this trigger is activated then spawn this.
  21. That works perfectly however when i attempt to trigger the spawn of the AV-8B the plane simply will not spawn, I place a trigger that activated in the presence of BLUFOR and name it test and then set the condition of presence of the AV-8B to "test" however when i activate the trigger the AV-8B will not spawn :(
  22. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    You are still forced to enter the map and select Alpha on the radio though?
  23. Brute

    Easy artillery??

    Is there anyway to request an artillery barrage via the main communication menu?