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Everything posted by Detritus

  1. Detritus

    Admins stay the course

    It is sad and I just can't begin to work out the point of mass TKing. I'm new to the Arma/OPF series with buying Arma2 however I'm really getting into it. I have tried now about 5 different online battles, of which one there was no teamwork, one where I had a good game and 3 in which everyone was TKing. Like the OP, I have a ton of experience in multiplayer gaming dating back to F29 Retaliator and Doom 2 on a 14.4K and a 56K modem respectively! I have found this game to be particularly afflicted with immature idiots who think it's 'fun' to ruin everybody else's fun. These are most probably kids (I hope no adult would stoop so low), and probably the same ones who thought it was fun to pull girls' hair in the playground and to throw the football deliberately out of the school yard. Unfortunately it seems they've failed to move on and grow up. What has been puzzling me is that Arma 2 is quite a mature game, and normally with a mature game you get mature gamers who do not feel the need to ruin it for everyone else. Arma 2 is the one game I have seen that is really badly affected by this and I can't reconcile the disparity between the target audience and the conduct of online players. It has got to the point where I really do not want to play the multiplayer for fear of wasting my time. The other offshoot is people will now close their servers to the public, requiring password authentication. Which is a shame for all parties I believe. The other option is having admins in-game 24/7, which I believe, even with the best intentions, cannot be achieved all of the time. It's a real shame, I just hope that at some point, these idiots will get bored and move onto the next game to ruin for others leaving the rest of us to bathe in the delights of an idiot-free multiplayer game.
  2. Not sure about infinite ammo, but there is a script out there that will fill an ammo crate or vehicle with 20 of all weapons and 50 of all magazines. You could edit that script to be 99 or everything and then set a trigger on the vehicle/crate to execute the script whenever a player approaches it, much like Big Dawg has suggested.
  3. @Inviktus - You can disable SOM side missions by placing this in the initialisation field of the SOM: this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];
  4. How do I get two choppers for both players in a coop mission to work? I have two squad leaders, each with the ability to call in chopper transport support. I have one chopper assigned to one team leader and another assigned to the other (which will both be players). At the start of the mission, both players have the transport request, however, if one of those players calls for support, the other player then loses the ability to call in their chopper (option not in comms menu anymore). I have tried two SOMs, and just using one but repeating the code (see below), both seem to yield the same reuslt. Any ideas? I am new to all this and I won't pretend to fully understand the code below! This is what I've tried in the init.sqf: waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}}; SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope"; [["transport"], t1] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h1]; SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]]; SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]]; waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}}; SOM2_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope"; [["transport"], t2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM2 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h2]; SOM2 setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]]; SOM2 setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]]; Or... waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}}; SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope"; [["transport"], t1] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h1]; SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]]; SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]]; [["transport"], t2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h2]; SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]]; SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]]; Neither of these work but it's probably my lack of understanding of SOM that's the reason. EDIT - I have only tried this preview mode and team switching - Could this be the reason?
  5. Hi guys, I'm really new to the mission editing but have learned one hell of a lot from the forums, they're a great resource. One thing I've been trying to find, and I'm pretty sure I did find it once, is how to make some AI guards open fire on the Civs they're guarding. To help you understand in what context I want it to work, I have a mission where ur covert ops, you have a number of 'hearts and minds' objectives, one being, to rescue a bunch of Civs being held captive. What I want to achieve is that when the OPFOR guards detect your presence, they start to open up on the Civs they're guarding. I know how to set up the basic settings on the trigger but I just don't know how to make them target and shoot the Civs. Is there a script that will just make the Civs hostile to OPFOR when the trigger is activated, or do you need to script it for each guard and each Civ? Thanks
  6. I think Kronzky's UPS is a great tool for having ambient combat and intelligent patrols. I was creating what will be a multiplayer mission and I was using about 10 sectors each with 1-2 groups of enemy troops. I had them all calling the same UPS script and found performance was badly reduced (very stuttery, took a comparitively long time to load). This surprised me as the total number of units on the map were far lower than I had for better performing missions. So I then configured the patrols to call one of these scripts based on the sector they were in. So for example, all units in sector one use UPS1.sqf and I found performance increased significantly, sector two used UPS2.sqf etc etc. I was just wondering, has anyone else found the UPS script to be quite taxing when used in this manner? Did you also find using multiple copies of the script aided performance? Also, have I missed something obvious, or am I applying the script to the mission in a wrong, inefficient way? Should I be spawning these enemy patrols instead?
  7. Give it a go fideco, I'll be interested to see if you find a gain by doing it the way I have tried. I only have a Q6600 @ 2.4 (gonna OC it soon just for Arma2), so the performance is really hit when the scripts kick in.
  8. I can answer one point, you could use Independents or Insurgents as your 'zombies' as they will show as friendly/enemy depending on the side you wish to take and have civi models. As for the other stuff, I think I'll let one of the more experienced members try and answer those.
  9. Just a follow up, I found it hard to get the setFriend command to work (either in a script or on the trigger), and having done some reading it has a reputation for being a strange command to get working (well at least in Arma), especially when the mission is underway and with civilians. To get around the problem, I used Independent armed civs (to get civ-like appearance), stripped them of weapons and used the setCaptive to prevent the guards shooting them. Then on the detection trigger I just changed the setCaptive setting and the guards would open fire on them if BLUFOR were detected in the area.
  10. Thanks for the info guys
  11. Thanks Inkompetent. One more question, I guess it can be done on a unit by unit basis too? e.g. Unit1 setFriend [unit2, 0]
  12. Thanks Benny for the reply, I'll give this a go and report back. I guess this [Civilian, 0] is boolean, does a 1 set them as friendly again?
  13. Detritus

    C-130J Problem

    They have a huge turning circle and may not be able to actually hit the waypoint, try adding a waypoint in line with its starting position/orientation. Then one slightly to the right or left and see if it follows these 'gentle' waypoints. I came across a similar issue in IL-2 when I used to make missions in there, sometimes, if you had waypoints too close to eachother, the planes constantly circled it try to hit it but couldn't.
  14. I know the feeling. I'm totally new to Arma 2 and I love the editor and so have been trying to find out as much as possible. I can't guarantee that what I'll tell you is 'right' but it's what I've managed to find out through forum trawling and reading up around the web. All of the scripts in Arma 2 need saving to the missions folder as .sqf files. You can call these what you want and invoke them using the execVM command. e.g. execvm "briefing.sqf"; There is one script that I'm aware of that must be named in a particular way, and that is the init.sqf. This is the initialisation script that runs whenever the misison is started, you can also execute the other scripts from here. To edit these files, just use notepad or some other text editor. For example, if you want to have helicopter support for a mission, or have a specific weapon loadout, you whack it in the init.sqf file (as well as needing the SecOps module for the support but that's another matter). It's quite a good idea to try and keep this as tidy as possible, so perhaps create a loadout.sqf file for the weapon loadouts etc and then invoke it from the init.sqf. I understand that Arma used to use html files for briefings but this has stopped in Arma2 and you use the sqf files. So if you want to set tasks then check out this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73424&highlight=briefing+howto It also give you a feel for scripting outside of the editor. I'm still playing around and learning a lot, but I have to say I love the editor and the scripting options are great. Plus there is a great community constantly coming up with clever scripting ideas. It can sometimes take some searching through, but I have found most of my answers on these forums. I have also found that if I can't figure it out on the Arma 2 forums, the Arma 1 forums and other resources (there is a great pdf for Arma 1 that details almost everything) are a good place to start, sure lots of things are different but it can set you off in the right direction. The number of times I haven't found stuff just because I was searching for the wrong terminology is countless. I hope this has helped.
  15. Yeah I've got the same issue, if I head in ANY direction after clearing the checkpoint down from Manhattan, I get shot (usually 3 shots, close range third will be head shot - dead straight out). If I get into a truck I get RPGed at roughly the same points. If I spread Razor out they find nothing and none of them get shot, but if I tread the same path as any of the team - headshot. I can even wait for all the friendly NAPA or whatever troops to show up, and none of them find this invisible soldier. Funny thing is, when I clear the checkpoint I can't call a helo. However, I can call it if one guy is left at the checkpoint, so I do. When the chopper picks me up, we fly for about 20 seconds before the chopper gets shot down (presumably by an RPG). I mean, WTF???
  16. Detritus

    crash to desktop after 15 mins

    Hi heretik, You normally find overheating issues will result in a BSOD or system freeze. Crashing to desktop etc may be indicative of a memory leak, ensure you get the latest updates for Arma2 to try and combat this. Another issue could be faulty hardware, i.e. trying to address an area in either the graphics memory or your RAM that is physically defective, but again, this would normally result in a BSOD. To be honest, if your system recovers from these problems without freezong or crashing, I would be tempted to look at your drivers for everything. Not just your graphics. Try that first and see where that takes you. Unfortunately it is very difficult to pinpoint issues like these especially when everything else works fine, and so you just have to go through a process of methodical elimination. To double check for overheating issue, get some monitoring software like Speedfan and Rivatuner, they might help in eliminating heat issues. Hope this helps.