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Everything posted by PEACEwoody

  1. PEACEwoody

    Was the campain even bug tested?

    the single player is terrible the bugs make it unplayable i posted a message somewhere else on here about it and got slated interestingly one of the fanboys slating me hadnt even tried the single player i see this as a terrible way to introduce the game to someone new to the series multiplayer is tough to get into but very very good the impression i have is that if you havent been with the series from the start dont bother because the community wont help you catch up and the campaign should be the way to get acclimatised and it fails miserably so new players are left with a choice...battle the bugs or play online and try and learn on the fly oh the fanboys will cry but you have the editor and user missions... ok we do but isnt that a sign? when i can download missions that work, that have been made by the community not the developers. and besides i see those as extras to go to when bored with the main events campaign and multiplayer. i have read a lot of abuse thrown in the direction of the cod community but i have to tell you now play through the single player of these games especially cod4 and they are like a movie, after every mission you sit back and go whoooaaa and take a big breath and reflect on the madness that has just assaulted your senses. and not one bug in five call of dutys playing through the single player storys many times.In cod4 i played on 3 difficulty levels right through and not 1 bug....not even a small one never mind one that ruins the enjoyment or stops you completely. i can see where the hostility comes from.
  2. ye looky what happened to my opinions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76650 there are some hardcore fans here for sure that was warming up into a nice disussion (which is why i thought we were here)and i was looking forward to verbally pwning some blinkered people then..... closed and moved i think because....... well i was right i dont need a thread closure to tell me this game is bug ridden untested annoying and frustrating thats my impressions... but how strange i can download user missions that work fine and are very challenging and enjoyable also go online and play a very enjoyable game (when i dont get tk) the game overall is good, very real and very enjoyable all these bugs however in the campaign, just sloppy and they do make it unplayable the campaign should be the showcase it should work perfect. i was SO suprised when multiplayer worked so flawlessly.After playing the awful campaign i didnt have very high hopes at all... as a player totally new to the series the campaign is my introduction to the world of ARMA and i just gave up at delaying the bear my team just wont listen so i shoot them all and go play multiplayer:D:D:D:D it was one bug too many. i also had the impression of censoring when my thread was locked and moved i am just glad i got the appology from the rude fanboi before it got closed otherwise i might lose some sleep that something was unresolved PS to the mods i appologise for putting my post in the wrong place but err i didnt really give a rats bottom at the time.I HATE wasting money.... but then i tried multiplayer...woop!
  3. my impressions (it seems i put them in the wrong place) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76650
  4. PEACEwoody

    when do i get paid?

    just a provocative question as i dont like beta testing your pityfull attempt at a release for the fee of minus £24 bugs bugs bugs the AI doesnt respond i looked in the forums in desperation thinking i was doing something wrong being new to the series but no it seems all the campaign missions are full of bugs. poor poor very very poor the campaign is unplayable imo. i thought it might get better after the first few missions but it becomes a mission to workaround the bugs instead of fight the enemys a massive dissapointment for me i had hoped for so much... maybe that was my error having said all that it seems your comunity is going to pull you out of the proverbial because i went on multiplayer last night and it seems to be a great experience just a shame i enter as a complete noob whos only experience of the series is of working around BUGS it would be nice to have played through the campaign first but out of sheer need to keep my keyboard out of my monitor i think i will give up on that so to my original question i dont seriously expect to get paid in cash for beta testing your game (normally thats done for free BEFORE relese) but i am 24 quid down you can pay me with an answer to a different question WHY DIDNT YOU TEST IT BEFORE YOU RELEASED IT?
  5. PEACEwoody

    when do i get paid?

    sheesh...... i dont have to give details of bugs i got bored reading through all these for starters http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74694 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73391 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73930 and there are a further 37 threads in the troublshooting forum granted they are probably more technical issues than the bugs i am talking about i like the way you passionatly defend your favourite game series and instantly insult me my spelling..... get a grip we are in a forum i dont have time to do this properly i am not applying for a job practice you say, well thankfully some people added some very nice user missions that work well and i can. but normal for me is to play right through single player first then venture into multiplayer i need to make something very clear i have NO problem with the difficulty in the game or the realism and i will revert to my original question why didnt they test the single player campaign.the new players first contact with the series i am not a troll i am a disatisfied customer your translation was completely wrong and insulting yes i play cod 4 so what? i craved realism and came here nice welcome thanks