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About Kayla

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  1. Yeah, flake got it. I found out just before I came back here. Apparently when changing the video settings, there is a bug. When you normally go into the menu, it 'blurs' out the screen, and when you leave, it unblurs it. But there seems to be a bug I was hit with, where that's switched up, so in the menu, it's unblurred, but in the game, it's blurred. What flake says fixes it well enough. - Kayla
  2. Will do. I just got the game, so, there wasn't any other possible explanation coming to my feeble mind. :)
  3. So, here's my deal. I'm on steam, la de da, and see Arma II out. So I go download the demo, it works fine, I'm happy. I beg and beg, and I was bought the game in steam. Yay, 50$. It was very difficult getting that. So I'm playing, la de da, and everything works fine. I get to the third mission, or second, whichever, and I start noticing some glaring issues. Then all of a sudden my view turns blurry and I can't see anything. It's at this point I realize FADE is activated. So, I look around, and oh, I have Daemon Tools installed, for debugging purposes on my programs. Oh my, Arma II thinks I'm pirateing it because I have a completely seperate program installed. Whoops. Your bad. This is akin to Arma II saying 'Hey, you haven't done anything wrong, but just because you have something else I don't like, I'm going to punish you.' So, I see two basic solutions to this. The first is probably the more convenient to me, because I get to continue to play this fantastic game, and that's to add a check for the steam versions of Arma II, integrated with steam, so as to verify my bought copy, and not mistakenly think Daemon Tools is abusing it. The second is less preferable, and that's a full refund. I don't mean to sound demanding, but I just had to beg for 50$ to buy this game, and at the moment, it's completely useless. I just wasted 50$. - Kayla Steam name: Kayla http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kayla/games (Notice the Arma II in my games list)