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About killwill

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  1. Hi guys I've configured my game settings to disable hud waypoints info and extended map info. This works well when on foot but when I enter a vehicle any self made waypoints using shift+left click show up. Is there anyway to disable waypoints permanently? Edit I've been playing around with different vehicles and discovered its not all them. The waypoint will not display when in a Hunter but will in a Hunter HMG and GMG. It wont display in a civ vehicle but will in an M4 Scorcher. Seems if a vehicle has a gunner position the waypoint will display.
  2. just had to post to say what a great mod this is thankyou so much triple thumbs up!
  3. Thank you for the replies. There is no IR source or visible light behind me. I don't wear glasses and the cam unit doesn't feel hot. But the flicker problem does seem to get progressively worse the longer I play Arma2. My personal feeling is that its a software problem because of the fact that games like Black Shark work without any flicker problems.
  4. When using trickir the game flickers fairly often like it flicks to look somewhere else then instantly flicks back to where it should be. Its very off putting and ruins the immersion. I am using trackir 5.0.230 software and tackir 4 with trackclippro hardware and have none of these problems with other games. Hope someone else has this problem and found a solution.