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About swampthing

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  1. If i launch the game without steam running i get a popup asking if i want to run Combined ops. If steam is allready open it doesn't ask and it only runs OA. How do i get it so i just have a desktop shortcut whether steam is open or not so it always runs combined ops?
  2. swampthing

    postprocessing turns on 3d vision

    Uh yeah it is nvidia 3d vision. Everything has a red and blue clone of itself. I'm not stupid enough to mistake depth of field blurring for nvidia 3d vision.
  3. For some reason all of a sudden having post processing on in game turns on what i think is nvidia 3d vision. The game is really blurry and instead of one star in the sky you see three, a white a blue and a red. This is all well and good but i don't even have 3d vision. I uninstalled the 3d vision driver because it used to default on with World of warcraft as well, but even with it uninstalled arma 2 is still using it. How the heck do i turn this off
  4. This is a BIG problem. Nothing like getting shot at while a radio message is playing and not being able to command your mean to do anything and they are all dead by the time the message is done.
  5. swampthing

    Tell me this didn't just happen.

    abrams have an effective range of over 4km. But them spotting you at all at that range while you were silently camping is a little fishy.
  6. swampthing

    Another few AI tests.......

    i've noticed the AI doing some insane stuff as well. You had some good examples there though. One particular thing i noticed that kinda pissed me off was, i was messing around in the mission editor. I made a small mission where the player started at the damn way south on the map, the one where there is a power station just below it. I put two squads of enemy AI guarding the power station. I worked my way south from the damn playing as a sniper. There is a road to the east of the power station going up a large hill. If i had to guess on the distance maybe 500-700m away from the AI. I took position on that road in sniper gear mind you, and inched my way to the edge. I fired ONE shot and instantly the ai started firing on my exact position. I backed up so the AI couldn't shoot me due to the ridge line and ran up the road. The entire time i was running the AI was continuously firing on my exact position as i ran. They had no possible way of seeing me since i was obscured by terrain, yet i could hear the bullets follow me. I went prone again after maybe 200m and inched my way to the edge. I lived long enough to see that the AI hadn't moved an inch and then took a bullet in the face from a guy with an AK47. Kinda torques me a bit that the AI spotted me from that distance instantly after only one shot in sniper gear while prone, then managed to follow my exact movement and predict exactly in what position and stance i was going to be in in order to score an instant headshot. AI needs a bit of work.
  7. I have yet to see the ai do anything that remotely resembled flanking. Instead i see them being super aware and able to see you when they shouldn't. Ive had a few shoot through buildings moments. Alot of moments where they just stand there doing nothing. Even more where i've ordered my friendlies to do something and they just do nothing.
  8. There is a HUGE problem with this game and this one issue makes it darn near unplayable. When you are comming in to swordfish or whatever the call sign is you CANNOT give orders to your men. a specific instance comes to mind, when you have to arrest the female informant, you take her to the LZ and come under attack. I have 2 jeeps and some men bearing down on me and i can't give a single order while she yelps on about not dying. Then swordfish starts yakking, again no orders. By the time everyone is done yakking and i can finally give some orders i have a man down. VERY frustrating. You MUST make it so i can control my men while other comms are happening.