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About BLooD_MoNeY

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  1. BLooD_MoNeY

    No sound - Need Help

    hey wait ??? what ?? i checked that link out it wasnt anything of signifigance, just a bunch of files the game already had, how the hell did it work for you???????????????????? ---------- Post added at 04:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 AM ---------- wait there is a dx icon in there i clicked it , im going to see what happens
  2. BLooD_MoNeY

    No sound - Need Help

    im dling it now i am having same problem i knew i shouldnt have used steam
  3. BLooD_MoNeY

    Getting NO SOUND.

    This is unacceptable , All my drivers are up to date. What could this possibly be any sugg's? Windows vista ultimate 64bit. Creative sb xfi updated.
  4. BLooD_MoNeY

    Grass on or off?

    It makes no sense to willingly turn grass on because the opposing team can all turn off the grass client side, so when YOU think you're hiding in a pile of grass nice and concealed. The opposing team is looking at you like some kind of sore thumb clown who is laying out in the middle of a clear field. Good way to give the other team a lot of kills and youtube video at your' expense.