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Everything posted by jackoire

  1. jackoire

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Any speculation on what rig needed for eyefinity / surround at 5760x1080 res. I have not tested A2 in eyefinity, hopefully A3 will run at medium setting ( AA and extras off ).
  2. Just wondering if centOS x64 is supported with the linux server files. Ive tryed arma2 1.09 and OA 1.59 linux files and i just get errors in console when running ./server. Exactly like the thread here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=118741 Any idea's whats the problem?
  3. jackoire

    server is banning randomly

    yes turn verifySignatures=0 same happen on our server until we figured out why.
  4. jackoire

    Online is simply "Crap"

    You are right on the money here. In ANY game u play ur gonna get good and bad players. Im presuming u the poster of this thread has not given this game any chance because u had 1 or 2 bad experiences on a server or 2. Also he/she chose to buy the game on steam. Its up to YOU the player to make the most out of any game. I always use the ingame VOIP/CHAT , on any server i play on. Also i found it very easy to find the clans teamspeak servers that any server i play on. Arma 2 was a big step up for me as BF2 or mods cannot be compared to neither of the arma games. This game is very new for every1 because of the setup and shear size of the game. Im a member of -1PARA- CLAN and we highly encourage the use of voip/ts/chat. Also many other clan in the ARMA community do as i have 1st hand experience. If any1 wants to join our TS we welcome them just like alot of clans. PS. (Join clan teamspeak servers and u will get the game experience that many games dont offer!) -1PARA-JacKo!
  5. On both of our servers people are randomly getting banned. Seems to happen mostly on our coop server. This is happening to many of our clan members, i cant workout why. :( I dont think its anything to do with our config. Any1 else have this issue or know how to fix it please help.
  6. jackoire

    So few PvP serves?

    PvP is where the actions at, its just a shame theres not too many missions :( Theres needs to be more missions in PvP, some missions are way to far to travel with no or not enough vehicals. Come on modders/editer wizards leave coop alone and get creating some PvP missions. PvP = Teamwork All the pvp servers i played on in arma 2 where awesome. Lots of people working together, which is the whole point of arma!
  7. jackoire

    Looking for UK Servers (non coop)

    You could try our 32 slot Hold server it is UK based. Server name is -1PARA-Warzone. Welcome to the world of ARMA 2 ;)
  8. Ok i tested my FPS with everything (except AA off) on max today with fraps. When playing online my FPS is 25-30. Any1 else here with a 4870X2, what FPS u get maxed out?
  9. jackoire

    AA enabled = unplayable

    I have this problem. My FPS drops to 5 only when bringing up a scope ie sniper scope. Other that that with aa set to 3 my fps does not get effected, only when i bring up a scope.Im very disappointed with no AA in arma2. :( Im using the HD4870X2 Also a friend of mine has a 4890 it improved his FPS with AA=3