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About Stromko

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  1. Stromko

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    How do I get rid of the mouse acceleration shenanigans? It almost 'feels' like my mouse is connected to a bunch of rubberbands. It isn't, that's just how it feels. Any motion is resisted, in a kind of laggy manner. This is most noticable on the menus, in the game itself the effect seems much more reasonable. I can kind of understand they don't want us to be whipping around like Counterstrike addicts, but that's better accomplished by just expanding the firing cone every time we turn, which I think it already does. I found out motion blur goes away if I play in 3rd-person view, so that's good. One major reservation out of the way. edit: Ceeeb, your computer's better than mine so you should be getting better performance. I've heard that once you set the settings to low, then raise them again, performance remains good. Try messing around with that non-interactive benchmark mission, it might help you narrow down the issue. My systems' much like yours (8800 GTS, some sort of quadcore CPU, but nothing's been upgraded in the last year), and I got 25 FPS in the benchmark scenario. This was with post-processing turned off. It not only adds motion-blur, but also tries to simulate periphereal vision fuzziness(at least on the parachute training mission), which is a pretty terrible effect. The problem with simulating periphereal vision in a game is that, if I'm looking at that part of the screen then it isn't in my periphereal vision. So it not only looks fugly, it breaks my immersion. Am I supposed to be trapped behind the character's eyes, unable to turn those eyes in order to focus on the edge of my vision? It's too bad I have to play it without post-processing because the heat shimmers and other effects are quite good.
  2. Stromko

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    If by "low" you mean, "just stepped out of a bunker after six concussion grenades went off in front of your face" then yes it's definitely set to low. I'll check the config files, maybe there's a 1 I can replace with a 0 to get rid of this? I hope so. I really enjoyed ARMA 1 and quite want to enjoy this thing. [by 'this' I mean the motion blur] Couldn't find the config files right away, found it under My Documents/ArmA 2 Demo. This isn't a lot of settings for a program this complicated. Nothing to disable motion blur, just post process effects. I've still got a headache from the last time I tried to soldier on despite the motion blur, so it looks like I'm going to have to shut them off entirely, and tweak the texture sampling so that things render more clearly. I don't think 1920x1080 should look this fuzzy(turns out it was at 1280xsomething and at 1920x1080 it looks much better so problem solved), I understand it's actually upsampling to some maximum res and then reducing it down for some reason, and I need to raise sampling to 125% or something. I'll figure it out.. (couldn't find advanced texture options like that anywhere, but raising the resolution helped a lot) An option to disable or reduce head bobbing would also be nice. It never bothered me much in ArmA 1, I don't remember if it was just less severe or if there was an option to turn it off. It's distracting and unrealistic the ArmA 2 demo, at least. It assumes that the eye doesn't stay focused on a point during motion, which is also probably the excuse for the excessive motion blur. It's neither realistic, nor fun. Maybe it doesn't bug some people, but an option to lower or disable it would be nice. Right now, I can avoid it by just hitting num-enter and going to external view at least.
  3. Stromko

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    I can't find an option to just turn off motion blur, I have to completely turn off post-processing effects. This level of motion blur is really, really sickening to me. I've never had a problem with motion sickness while gaming, but motion blur is a perfect recipe for it. It doesn't even look realistic to me, as far as I can tell if your whole environment turns into a smear when you turn, you have a serious medical problem. Or maybe I'm a freak and just don't experience motion blur. I don't know. So yes, I dearly need an option that just says, "No motion blur kthx", and lets me enjoy other post-processing effects. They're rather important effects and the game is way less awe-inspiring without them, but motion blur is horrible, horrible, and fake.